chapter twenty eight - on thin ice

Start from the beginning

"Here let me hold onto you." Jack laughs at my lack of balance.

I wobble over to Jack, and he puts his hands on my shoulders. "Just take a few strides G! You got this!" He encourages me.

I listen to his instructions and with him ready to catch me if I fall, I take a few strides in the foreign feeling skates. The breeze picks up a little bit as I'm gliding along the hard surface.

I look back to see Jack was watching me, and not right behind me.

"I'm doing it!" I yell as I skate along the lake.

"Yeah," his light brown hair blows In the wind, "it's not like you don't know how to skate though." He skates over to me.

"I mean yeah, but I've never actually been in hockey skates." His eyes widen.

"Really? There's no way?!" He says shocked.

"Dead serious! Figure skates have always been my jam." I assure him.

"Well since you've mastered hockey skates, want to try skating with a stick?" He asks me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh Jesus," I sigh, "I guess, but don't be surprised if I eat shit." I giggle.

I've never noticed how the Hughes boys all have the prettiest eyes. Quinn and his heart melting brown-blue ish  eyes, Luke has the cutest hazel eyes and Jack, he has sparkling blue eyes.

They sure as hell got good genes.

I laugh to myself not realizing that I was next to one of the boys.

"What's got you laughing?" Jack asks.

"Oh nothing," I say. "Thinking about a memory from home."

"Spill the tea sister!" He says flipping his hand vertically to horizontally.

"Oh uh-" I stutter.

Great now I have to bullshit a story, thanks Genevieve.

I start telling Jack my story, and I look up and notice that there is a full view of the lake house from here. I yap to Jack but admire the beauty of being in Michigan.

Mid story, he takes my hand, I stop talking, and we start to goof around.

"Jack!" I laugh as adrenaline pumps through my veins.

He lets go of my hands and picks up a hockey stick that was lying on a net a few feet away.

"Come on, pick up a stick and try and keep the puck away from me." He challenges me.

"You seriously think I can?" I raise my eyebrows, the cold air starting to attack my face.

"Yes, let's see whatcha' got!" He frowns and focuses on the challenge ahead.

"Fine, watch out for my stuck though, you might trip on it." I warn him.

I skate over to the net, still hesitant about falling on my ass and grab the other wooden stick that was on the ice.

"Grab a puck." He instructs me. I do as he says and slap it over to him.

"Now try and get it!" He grins and skates away.

"Oh my god.." I take a breath and beeline over towards him (trying not to fall).


"Looks like Genevieve and Jack are having fun out there." My mom says as she looks out of the window from the kitchen.

I was on the couch watching a highlight video of the last Canucks game. I would be back after Christmas break was over. Right in time to finish regular season and pave our way to playoffs if we can.

"Quinn." My mom calls my name.

"Hm?" I look up to meet her annoyed gaze.

"It looks like Genevieve and Jack are having a lot of fun out there." She says.

Confused what she meant, I look out of the large windows in the living room to see Jack and Gen seemingly playing with sticks and a puck. It sparked something in me though. I couldn't figure out why I was feeling this way.

"Why don't you go out there?" My mom asks me.

I shrug at her and continue to watch my younger brother with Gen. My Gen.

As I watch them play around, their smiling faces stuck to them like glue, Gen appears to lose her balance, and almost falls. My eyes widen as I realize she was about to hit the hard solid ice.

To my relief and dismay though, Jack is there. He catches her. His hands land on her waist, and that really sets me off. My sight goes red. I stand up. Go to the glass sliding door that leads to the outdoor patio, and contemplate going out and yelling at him to take his hands of my girl.

My mind is spinning in circles.

You are so stupid you know that?

How exactly? He's getting handsy!

You blew her off when she wanted to just talk.

It was late!! It was the middle of the night!! I was not in the state or mood to talk about something that serious.

Okay? Look at her out there.. she looks beautiful.

Yeah.. she really does. The way her hair blows in the wind, or her eye catching smile.

That should be you out there... not Jack.

I know.. She's mad at me now though.. maybe we just need to spend time apart..

Just remember, the longer you wait to confess everything, the more distance that will grow between you two.


Time had passed..

Gen and Jack were now about to watch a movie upstairs. She was in her room, doing god knows what.

I felt the need to talk to her before she went ti the media room.

I got out of my bed, and thought hard about what I was going to say to her. Here's the truth, I don't know.

Obviously I wanted her, I just feel overwhelmed. Too much happening. What do I expect though? It's not easy to be in a relationship.

I walk a few steps down the upstairs hall, and reach her door.

Knock Knock.

Hearing no response, or anything verbal at least, I walk into the room.

I'm met with Jack already in her bed. She looked passed out. They are both under the covers and and Jack has his arm around her shoulder.

"The fuck are you doing?" I whisper with enough volume for him to hear.

"She fell asleep bro," he says and looks down at Gens unconscious body against the pillow.

"I thought I was the one who was about to date her but obviously it's you.." I spit.

I didn't want to wake her up, I just left the room and decided to leave it.

I didn't feel like dealing with my asshole brother.

I fell asleep later that night with just me in my bed. It felt empty and cold. She didn't come at all that night.

She was my missing part.. it's only been twelve or so hours since we got into the fight, and I want her back in my arms.

I'm going to fix this..



OK SO we haven't had a Quinn PoV in FOREVER. I thought this chapter would be a good fit for it.

Anyways longer chapter!!

Think of it as a separating gift until the new year!!

Merry Christmas!!!


Heartstrings on the Blue Line - Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now