chapter six: the "date"

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I wake up in a good mood. The scene outside the window is from a fairytale. Snow is everywhere and it's giving Christmas.

"What's got you in a happy mood?" Asks Eva. She  stretches her shoulders over her head and makes soft eye contact with me.

"Nothing much, Just going out for coffee with a guy in a relationship later today.." I put on a sarcastic smile.

"Gen what did I tell you?" She asks with a whiny tone in her voice.

"Well I couldn't really get out of it, I mean he kind of begged me in a way." I answer.

"Why don't you bring Kayde with you?"

Maybe I could. Maybe he'll bring his girlfriend and it won't be awkward.

"Let me text him, I wouldn't be totally opposed to that idea." I roll over and text Kayde SOS.

Gen 😇
Can you come with me on a coffee date? It's with Quinn. I'll tell you the details later

Kaydie 🫶
Sure, when is it though? I have kinesiology at like five. Also please tell me that I'm not your scape goat.

I don't think you will. Just meet me at my dorm at 12


Well, as you guessed twelve o'clock came quickly and I found myself still getting ready for this "date" that we are going on.

I hear a knock on my door. I looked through the peephole and saw Kayde. He was dressed in a nice sweater under his winter coat.

I open the door and we booked it to the coffee shop since we were late.

We ran out of the dorm into the soft snow covered ground. We hopped on the bus that went towards the downtown area.

"I'm kind of nervous. Like what if he didn't bring his girlfriend and you were just a third wheel?" I ranted to Kayde as we ride the bus towards the downtown.

"Don't overthink it, it's just a friendly coffee. Plus if he does bring his girlfriend so what? You have me so it won't be too awkward."

Kayde is honestly a comforting friend. I DONT know what I'd do without him.

As we pull up to our stop, I take a deep breath before I get off and calm myself down.

Slowly, and step by step I get off of the bus and Kayde follows.

We turn in the direction of the coffee shop. It was at the corner and it had really clear windows because I could see Quinn with a blonde girl sitting at one side of the table.

"Quick, take my hand." I say to Kayde.

"Why?" He asks.

"I see him with a girl in there, just do it no questions." I turn and watch Kayde roll his eyes at me.

"Stop being dramatic please for me!" I say to him.

As i finish taking to Kayde, through the glass i see Quinn turn his attention to me. I DONT know why but he had a face of disappointment when he saw Kayde and I. He turned away not wanting to look at us.

We approach the door and I take one last deep breath before putting my hand on the door handle. "You're going to be fine Gen, just open the damned door." Kayde says.

"Fine." I sigh and pull the door open. My heart is beating so fast right now.

Gen you're not about to get killed. It's just a normal little get together. Do it for Quinn, and do it so you know he's happily in a relationship.

I step further into the coffee shop inhaling the fumes of beans and baked goods.

To my right, i hear Quinn call out to me.

"Gen, over here!" He exclaims excitedly.

I smile and Kayde walks beside me as we make our way to the table.

"This is Gen, someone I met at the arena while helping out the team." He says to the girl. I smile to help the situation. She's looking at her phone, and puts it down. She looks me up and down with a neutral look on her face. She puts on a fake half smile (yes i could tell, i have my experience with fake ass people). "Gen this is Rachael." Quinn says.

"Hi." She replies. "Hey," I say as we pull up seats.

Before Kayde sits down, he says hi to Quinn and they do the 'man hug' as I call it.

After they sit down, my nerves are starting to get the best of me. I bounce my leg up and down waiting for someone to actually start a fucking conversation.

"So Quinn, how is the injury?" Kayde asks getting my cues to talk.

"Oh it's getting better, although my physiotherapist told me to keep staying away from hockey for now at least." He replies with a straight face.

"Damn that sucks." I add trying to be included.

"So Gen, are you two dating yet or what?" Quinn just asks out of the blue. Catching us both off guard. Kayde chokes on his coffee for a second trying to understand what he said.

"Oh us? Old Kayde and Gen?..yes.... Yes we are." Kayde almost spits his drink out. I look at him with a weird face trying ti put it in his mind that I just came up with this.

"Oh cool, cool." Quinn says. Maybe he's trying to stay cool but in reality he is fuming inside.

There is a silence. No one is trying to converse or anything.

Trying to get the hell out of there to calm down and process what I just started, I tell everyone that I needed to use the washroom.

I get up and look around to see where it was. After finding it I casually walk over when inside I was freaking out.


I then get a text.

Kaydie 🫶
Since when were we dating? Why did you say that?!

                                                                     Gen 😇
I am SO SORRY kayde. I didn't mean to say that. It just.. came out I guess.

I dont know. We're going to have to figure something out quickly.

I eventually get back out of the washroom to avoid any suspiscion and join everyone back at the table.

The rest of the time, we talked about hockey and skating. Rachael was talking about how she was an intern for a fashion company. She was pretty nice but how do I know she's not a faker.

Gen, you need to figure out this 'situation' with Kayde. You started it so it's up to you.


HI EVERYONE! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted lately, schools been taking over and I haven't found much time to write. I promise I'll try to write more frequently but I don't know if I will actually be able to keep that promise lol

ANYWAYS WE GOT A KITTEN!! we don't know his name yet because we can't decide lol anuways have a good day everyone!!

Heartstrings on the Blue Line - Quinn HughesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα