The Language of Roses

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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over Seraphina's room. Wrapped in blankets, she lay in bed, feeling the effects of a persistent cold that had forced her to call in sick to work. As she drifted in and out of sleep, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house.

Genevieve, always eager to answer the door, opened it to find Dominik standing there with a bouquet of yellow roses in hand. "Hey, Genevieve. Is Seraphina okay?"

Genevieve, slightly surprised by his concern, responded, "Yeah, she's just got a cold. Why are you here?"

Dominik scratched his head nervously. "I didn't see her at work, and I got worried. Thought I'd drop by and check on her."

Genevieve smirked. "Worried about my sister, huh? Well, she's in her room. I have to head to school, so you can keep her company. Bye!"

With that, Genevieve hurried off, leaving Dominik to navigate the unfamiliar territory of Seraphina's home. He cautiously made his way to her room and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in," Seraphina called out, her voice slightly muffled.

Dominik entered to find Seraphina nestled in bed, looking a bit disheveled but still managing to radiate a certain charm. "Hey, Seraphina. Heard you're not feeling well."

She managed a weak smile. "Yeah, it hit me out of nowhere. Thanks for coming over, Dominik. What brings you here?"

Dominik held out the bouquet of yellow roses. "I didn't see you at work, and I got worried. Thought these might brighten your day."

Seraphina's eyes softened as she accepted the flowers. "Yellow roses? What do they mean?"

Dominik took a seat by her bedside, explaining, "Yellow roses symbolize friendship and joy. I thought they might bring a bit of cheer to your sick day."

Seraphina chuckled, "Friendship and joy, huh? I might need a whole garden of these."

Dominik smiled, taking a seat beside her. "Well, maybe I can help you with that. In fact, I could teach you the meanings of different colored roses."

Seraphina raised an eyebrow. "Teach me? You're volunteering for a lesson on flowers?"

He laughed, "Why not? It could be fun. Plus, it's always good to know the language of roses. You never know when it might come in handy."

Seraphina, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events, agreed, "Alright, Dom. Teach me the meaning of every color of roses."

And so, in the quiet moments of that sick day, surrounded by the gentle fragrance of yellow roses, Dominik began to unravel the language of flowers for Seraphina. The next chapter of their story unfolded in the cozy confines of her room, as the intricacies of friendship, joy, and the uncharted territory of shared moments became the backdrop for their evolving connection.

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