Sisterly Curiosity

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The night had unfolded with an unexpected mix of banter, seduction, and unspoken tension for Seraphina and Dominik. As Seraphina returned home, she found her younger sister, Genevieve, lounging on the couch, engrossed in a book.

Seraphina entered, her steps light but purposeful, hoping to slip into her room unnoticed. However, Genevieve looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of her dolled-up sister.

"Whoa, Sera! Where have you been, and why do you look like you just stepped off a movie set?" Genevieve exclaimed, setting her book aside.

Seraphina tried to play it cool. "Just had dinner. Nothing special."

Genevieve arched an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Dinner? With who? And since when do you dress up for just dinner?"

Seraphina sighed, realizing that her attempt to downplay the evening had failed. "Fine, it was with Dominik. Happy now?"

Genevieve's eyes lit up with mischief. "Dominik Szoboszlai? The footballer? Spill the details, Sera! What happened?"

Seraphina rolled her eyes. "Nothing happened. We had dinner, and that's it."

Genevieve smirked. "Just dinner? You look like you've been on a date. Did he charm his way into your heart?"

Seraphina scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. He's still the same arrogant footballer. I just thought it would be amusing to play along for the evening."

Genevieve grinned. "Amusing, huh? I bet there's more to the story. Come on, spill the details!"

Seraphina hesitated, torn between revealing the evening's unexpected twists and maintaining her usual tough exterior. Eventually, she sighed and gave in to her sister's curiosity.

"We had dinner, and things got a bit... playful. But don't get any ideas. I still despise him, and this changes nothing between us," Seraphina admitted.

Genevieve leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Playful, you say? Details, Sera, details!"

Seraphina shook her head, a reluctant smile playing on her lips. "I sat on his lap for a bit. But that's it. It was just for show."

Genevieve gasped dramatically. "You sat on his lap? Wow, Sera, you're really breaking new ground in the enemy territory. This could be the start of something unexpected!"

Seraphina scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. It was a one-time thing. Now, go back to your book, and let me get some sleep."

As Genevieve settled back into her book, Seraphina couldn't shake the lingering feeling of the uncharted territory she had entered. Little did she know that her sister's teasing predictions might not be entirely off the mark, and the game between her and Dominik was far from over. The night had left an indelible mark, and the unpredictable path they had set upon was sure to lead to more unexpected twists and turns.

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