More Than Friends - Raynix & Yadani

Start from the beginning

Yadani buried her face in her hands, feeling guilty for unloading her troubles on this random guy and feeling embarrassed for not being strong enough to handle herself. 

"Don't take this the wrong way, but a lot of that was pretty silly."

Yadani blinked, moving her hands away from her face, revealing a confused and baffled expression, "What?"

"Well, if you have magic, I'd say that makes you pretty darn strong. You've survived all by yourself in the common realm for years with no home, that also makes you pretty darn strong. Plus, you're probably way smarter than you think you are. Even if it's not book-smarts, it still counts. And I bet you are pretty under all that mud."

Yadani paused for a moment before laughing. She couldn't help it. He was just...funny. She took out one of her instruments and played it softly, casting prestidigitation on herself to clean herself off. 

"Yup, I was right. You're totally pretty. Also, you don't have to worry about not having friends. I'm here now, I'll be your friend!"

"That's sweet, but you don't have to say that."

"I know I don't, but I have a good feeling that you're a cool person. Now come on, get up." He declared, getting to his feet enthusiastically.

Yadani looked at him with confusion, "What? Why? Where are we going?"

"You are in desperate need of cheering up, and I, being the amazing hero that I am, am going to provide."

He smiled brightly and extended his hand to Yadani. His smile was contagious as her own facial expression began to match his, and she took his hand. Raynix pulled Yadani to her feet and led her through the woods. At first, it looked like they were just going in completely random directions, but eventually, they came across two large trees that stood parallel. They looked just a little too identical to be normal, but were the type of thing you could easily walk right past if you weren't paying attention.

Raynix turned back to Yadani, smiling with clear excitement, "Ready to have your mind blown?"

"I suppose?"

They walked in between the two trees. It was like Yadani had blinked and travelled to another universe. Her surroundings were the same but completely different. There was suddenly a bustling town with cobbled paths and beautiful buildings. The streets were alive with Brownies, Pixies, Fairies, Dryads, Elves, other Nymphs, and Satyrs. People were sat by fountains and reading, grown-ups were showing magic tricks to children, and people at stalls were calling out to the people walking by.

But the best part, not a single one, seemed to care that Yadani was there. No side glances, no catcalls, no staring. She was just there, same as anyone else. 

"There you are! I swear, I look away for one minute, and you just poof away! You're gonna give me grey hair!" 

Yadani jumped and turned towards the voice. A remarkably short Brownie woman seemed to be walking towards Raynix, looking stern but happy. He laughed and waved when he saw her.

"Hey, ma. You know how I get, I'm sorry."

"Mhm, I bet you are."

Her big, kind eyes soon landed on Yadani. The Nymph shuffled slightly behind her new friend and awkwardly waved, but the Brownie woman just smiled at her.

"And who might this be?"

"Um...Yadani, ma'am."

"Aw, no need to be so shy! It's lovely to meet you. Are you new to town? Oh, you're so pretty!"

"I um- Thank you uh, n-no I'm just visiting heh."

"Aw, such a shame. Poor girl, you look like you haven't had a decent rest in weeks! Raynix, take her home and let her freshen up, okay?"

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