Before The BBEG - Yadani 1.0

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Yadani took her daggers back from Krieg, who had sharpened and refined them for her in preparation for the fight that was about to ensue. He seemed sad and distracted, often glancing over at Jinlyl, who was sparring with the General for practice. Yadani gave him a warm look but said nothing, then made her way back to the room her, Shelby, and Jinlyl shared in the refugee camp. She passed by Shelby and Brother Martin talking with each other - they both looked like they wanted to say something to the other but just couldn't for some reason.

Since both of her friends were out of the room, Yadani had expected it to be empty...but she was wrong.

Standing at the other side of the room, with crossed arms and a displeased expression on his face was Styx, who had been let out of his cage for good behaviour - with Yadani's help.

"I don't want you going out there." He said, his voice sounding assertive.

"Aww you sound worried about me." Yadani replied in a joking tone.

He gave no response, his yellow eyes gleaming with anger.

"Styx, come on, we talked about this." Yadani said, sadly.

"Yes, but I just.. I don't think you should do this fight. The Five Fingers are dangerous, there's pretty much no hope."

"Come on, you know we all have to do this, those misty men in the weird place before we turned--"

"Told you guys that you had to save Berlin, I know, I know."

Yadani sighed and walked over to Styx, gently taking both of his hands, and smiling at him. She couldn't deny the fact she was also terrified of this fight, the last time they took on The Five Fingers they got completely destroyed.

Styx looked at Yadani, his expression softening upon seeing her smile.

"Styx, I'll be okay. We're stronger now, we know what to expect this time. You helped us with our vampiric abilities too, so we have that as our advantage now. I'll be back before you know it."

Styx just sighed then moved his hands to Yadani's waist and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Run away with me. We can just leave, your friends can do the fight if they want to so badly. We can find somewhere safe to hide for when the sun comes back, we can be safe far away from his damned city."

Yadani couldn't lie and say she wasn't tempted by the offer. Running away with Styx, going back to her village to find her parents, having a somewhat normal life again.. It was all that she wanted. But...

"Styx, I'm not running away again," She said, moving her hands to his upper arms and rubbing them comfortingly, "I ran from my parents when the house got attacked, and I ran from the woman in the woods when people came looking for me. This time I'm not running away."

"And what if the three of you lose? Huh? What then? What if this time you die and you don't come back again?"

"That won't happen. I won't let it. Those monsters have caused enough pain, and the three of us are putting an end to it. We'll be back here in no time, then we can have whatever life we want. When things are back to normal, and The Five Fingers are gone."

Styx sighed and nodded, looking down. Yadani paused for a moment then opened one of her paint jars, dipped her thumb inside and painted a little heart on the back of Styx's hand.

"There. Now it's like I'm still with you."

"You'd better come back from this alive."

"I will. We all will."

Yadani hugged Styx tightly, burying her face in the crook of his neck as best she can despite her horns. She felt his arms wrap around her just as tightly and his head gently rested on the top of hers. The two of them just stayed like that, holding the other like it was their last day on Earth.. For all they knew, it might be.

"Yadani." A voice called from behind them.

Yadani turned around to see Shelby and Jinlyl stood in the doorway, looking solemn.

"It's time to go."

Yadani nodded and gave Styx one last reassuring smile before gathering the last of her supplies and leaving the room. The three of them made their way out of the camp, the whole place being eerily quiet as everyone knew what they were going off to do. Their fates were in the hands of three vampires: a Tiefling bard, a High-elf artificer wizard, and a Dwarf druid.

As they left the camp, Styx made his way out of the room and stood beside Krieg the blacksmith, and Brother Martin, the leader of the camp.

"They're not coming back." Styx said, hopelessly.

"Don't say that." Krieg responded, looking like he was about to cry.

"Both of you need to have hope, have faith in our three heroes."

"Faith isn't exactly my forte, Brother."

"You shush. I believe that they will be guided to success. And we will be here to welcome them back after their victory."

Styx looked at them and realised that they felt the same way he did for Yadani but for the other two. Krieg wanted Jinlyl back, and Brother Martin wanted Shelby back just as much as he wanted Yadani back.

And now, all there was to do was wait.

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