• 𝟏𝟒 - 𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 •

Start from the beginning

I looked down in shame and nervousness, as I spoke in a low voice, "Everyone thinks so high of me, i don't wanna disappoint anyone "

"By lying?" He kept staring at me with the same expression.

I don't have full control over my cursed energy either , I just happened to find out that I could combine a little bit of cursed energy to strengthen by body. Few times I nearly died from trying to make my techniques powerful so after that I was warned not to do anything reckless....

" I'll not use cursed energy this time and I'd win!" I was mad or probably pissed that he compared me with Maki who didn't even had cursed energy. I stomped my feet and went to fight Maki in the close combat without any cursed energy. It was the final round and I could see Uncle's lips turning into a smirk.....he probably knows something I don't....

Few minutes later,...I was on the ground beaten up so bad that my whole body hurted. I lost. Yes.

"Got put down in your place Satomi?" He laughed loud and again he's acting all silly and unserious.

"...." I clenched my eyebrows and looked away, feeling my ear burning from anger.

"You know that , ....my grandmother...she looked like you. Well we both look like her"

"Huh?" I looked at him. I honestly didn't expect him to suddenly start talking about his grandmother or the gojo clan. I didn't wanted to hear about the clan anyway but ....

"She had the white hair and blue eyes. She had a cursed technique....but again...Gojo clan didn't even reveal it. She came from a non sorcerer family but the Gojo clan's family history tells that her cursed technique was kinda unique "

"So they didn't consider it?" I asked , my eyebrows forming into more confused ones.

"Nope. She also died pretty young . I never saw her. But I saw her description in our family history. The family tree is still there on the wall of main hall room of Gojo clan. You know, ....Satomi .... your mother was from a non sorcerer family too who had a strong family history of jujutsu sorcerers-"

"I don't wanna hear it" I spoke and stood up, rubbing my left cheek where Maki punched earlier..I received few of his giggles in return,

"No matter how hard the situation is you've gotta accept it no matter what . What if I tell you that Haoyu got married again and-"

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!! PLS!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!"


Satomi stood up on her feet.

Maki and Megumi exchanged cursed weapons and landed few hits on Hanami but Megumi messed up using that three section special grade cursed tool.


"once you'll use it you'll get used to-" Maki's eyes widened when she saw a plant growing in Megumi's body out of nowhere, it was from those small pointy bullet like object Hanami was throwing in the fight. Blood started coming out of his mouth, "MEGUMI!"

Next thing Maki did was blocking Hanami's attack with the cursed tool but it went through her arm instead. "Maki!" Megumi screamed this time, "It's because I messed up!" He thought but when he tried to summon his demon dog that plant grew more in him, making him stumble on his feet and more blood coming out of his mouth.

"i Aimɘd ꟻoᴙ THɘ HɘAᴙT. wHAT A woᴎdɘᴙꟻUl ᴙɘAↄTioᴎ!" Hanami raised her hand ready to summon those roots again, "jUjUTꙅU ꙅoᴙↄɘᴙɘꙅ Aᴙɘ iᴎTɘᴙɘꙅᴙiᴎg, Aᴎd ɘmoTioᴎAl Too. ɘvɘᴙYTimɘ oᴎɘ oꟻ THɘiᴙ Alliɘꙅ Aᴙɘ HUᴙT, THɘY'ᴙɘ ꟻUll oꟻ oqɘᴎiᴎgꙅ. iꟻ i wɘᴙɘ YoU, i woUldᴎ'T Uꙅɘ jUjUTꙅU AᴎYmoᴙɘ"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊 × 𝐎𝐂 Where stories live. Discover now