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-Storytellers POV-

After the kiss you and Niragi walked around with the others and you didn't talk about it but you both new it was good

You guys went down to see how it was going outside with Aguni when he saw you he pointed a gun at you ready to shoot but Niragi stepped in "she is one of you she helped me" Aguni put his gun down and went over to you looked down at you and said "remember rule number 3" and then he left

When you guys had been outside for a while Niragi wanted to go up to the roof and shoot people with his sniper you wanted to go se if you could find Kuina and the others so you guys spilt up

But before you could walk away he grabbed you face and kissed you lightly on the lips before going up the stairs

-Niragis POV-

I missed her just in case it was the last time I would see her I wanted her to be the only thing filling my head before I died

-Your POV-

The kiss was nice and as you were walking around it was the only thing you could thinks about

When you turned around one of the corners you saw some people in the distance with your gun raised you slowly walked over there to get a closer look

It was Usagi, Tatta and two others looking through the room looking for someone you went over there to see what was going on "Jesus! You gave me a heart attack" Tatta yelled when you said his name

Usagi said "Oh I'm so glad you're not dead" "and we are looking for Arisu some of the militants took him and left we are trying to find him can you help" she continued "of course I'll help you" you said going into one of the rooms

—————————-a few rooms later————————

-Usagis POV-

I was so tired I was starting to think we were never gonna see Arisu again and then I heard a noise it was someone saying something "Help I'm in here" it was in a very low voice

It's Arisu I'm sure of it I told the others "Guys I hear something" they all went quiet and I followed the voice to a door "shit" "it's locked" a moment after I said that Y/N broke down the door

"Well that works" I said before running in the room to see Arisu laying on the floor tied to a chair. We all helped to get him out and onto a bed in another room and then we explained him the rules of the games

While we were talking I kept glancing over at Y/N she was looking out of the door at first I thought she was just standing guard but it looked like se was looking for someone "it was probably Kuina or Chishiya" I thought to myself

-Your POV-

I hope he is alright up there I wanna go up there but I can't leave the others they need me and he is strong he can defend himself if it comes to that

After a few minutes of us sitting in the room Arisus face lights up and he says "I got it I know who the witch is"

As we make our way down to the lobby I can't help but think about Niragi maybe he came down from the roof and is waiting in the lobby

-Storytellers POV-

When you got down to the lobby you see Aguni standing in the middle with some of the millions none of them are any you recognize but you follow along on Arisus plant but you leave them before they go into the lobby so Aguni will still trust you if you need him to

As Arisu and the others come into the room he yells "I know who it is" everyone looks at him as he humps alongside Usagi "I know who the witch is" and as he explains his theory you slowly move in with the militants

After Arisu is done Aguni looks pissed and as he starts a big fight all you can think about is Niragi until you se him but it looks like he is on fire

As he comes closer you see it you were right he is on fire and when Aguni runs after him you wanted to stop him but know damn well you can't do anything to stop him

When he is gone and everybody helps drag Momoka to the fire and throw her in all you do is look for Niragi to hope that he hopefully survived it but you know it's a lost case

When you guys leave beach and all of the memories you had there you sit down and pray that he will make it out alive and you end it of "amen"

When you guys leave to go find out where to go next you turn around and four words leave you mouth

"May we meet again..."

Lost love {Niragi x Female reader} part 1Where stories live. Discover now