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-Your POV-

As I went to bed that night all I could think about was Niragi and what he was thinking about in that moment was it me was it his past was it his future or what was it

-Niragis POV-

That night all that was filling my head was her Y/N the things she said to me the things she did to me and just her, her body, her voice and her as a person that she stood up to me and risked her life just to show me up what was with her

She was mesmerizing her skin beautiful her hair beautiful and her body absolutely gorgeous

——————————the next day——————————

-Your POV-

I woke up to a weird feeling in my stomach I didn't know what it was but it didn't seam like anything normal like cramps or something else it was like a gut feeling but a bad one of the kind

I decided just to go down and have a good day but then I see you know who but for some reason I'm not mad about it, what I walk past him not giving him a moment to comment or anything but on the inside I kinda wished he said something

-Niragis POV-

She walked by me like normal but today was different it felt like she was a different person but yet the same as always

I wanted to say something do something but I just couldn't all I could do was watch her witch I was happy about but stil I wanted something more an interaction or something of the kind

-Your POV-

Later that day I was sitting with Kuina, Chishiya, Arisu and one of his friends Usagi when Niragi walked by us I didn't really pay that much attention to it as I was in the middle of a conversation but after ha had passed a couple of times I had to find out why so I left and hoped he would follow he did

-Niragis POV-

I tried to get her attention by walking by making noise,  I thought to myself what was happening to me I was desperate for her attention craving it like a lion and meat

When she got up I followed just to se were she was going but suddenly I couldn't find her I had lost my sight of her, as I walked by one of the rooms in the hallway someone grabbed me by my shoulder and dragged my in a darkened room

Lost love {Niragi x Female reader} part 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora