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-Niragis POV-

I was still confused about what just happened and why or I knew why she say right through me

I went to the lobby to get a phone for the game still trying to process what happens I mean we had a fight but it didn't feel like a fight against someone it Mede sense to fight

Over the monitors the computer's voice echoed "Registration closed the game will now commence" "The game is Witch hunt" and then it went on to explain the rules of the game
-"The evil witch who took Momoka Inoue's life is  hiding among the players. The "witch" role is not limited to women."
-"It is GAME CLEAR when the players find the witch and burn them in the Fire of Judgement."
-"It is GAME OVER when the witch has not been burned before the time limit."

-Storytellers POV-

After the rules have been explained everyone turns to se a girl laying on the floor with a knife in her chest "that must be Momoka" you think to yourself

A voice comes from the crowd "You, Your always with her, You're probably the witch" he is pointing at a girl sitting right by Momoka crying

"Burn her" a woman yells in a panic before you see a sword go through her stomach and blood running out of her body as she collapsed on the floor. Everyone gasps and behind her is Last boss "her voice was annoying" he says

4 guys walk over to the girl sitting by Momoka and pick her up on their way to throw her on the fire before Usagi runs in and stops them with support from Ann

That put the girl down but another voice is heard "blood" a girl says pointing at a piece of fabric Ann is holding Ann tries to explain herself by saying "this is Hatters blood" she says raising the fabric "Hatter is dead and this" she takes out a bullet "is what killed him" "with a means someone from beach killed him"

Someone speaks up "do you think that the person who killed Hatter also killed Momoka" "yes" Ann says calmly

Now you see Niragi walking by on his way over to Ann as he looks at you blankly he says loudly "so it is our mission to find out who the witch is" as the rest of the militants walk over to were he is standing he says "so who ever it is step forward now"

No one stepped forward so he shoots his gun in the air *bang*bang*bang* everyone drops to the floor to not get shot by him

Niragi goes up to a man just standing there and just shoots him with no warning or anything as he goes up to someone else he yells "yahooooo" and shoots him multiple times with a scares everyone and they star running in all directions so you do it too

just run don't look back as you got up to one of the higher floors you see that the militants have also ran after people and are now gone

As you run to hide you keep looking back so you won't get shoot by someone but suddenly you run into someone your blood freezes "I'm gonna die you think to yourself as you look up so see how you ran into you see


Lost love {Niragi x Female reader} part 1Where stories live. Discover now