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Hera's POVThe Next Morning"Ladies, wake up

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Hera's POV
The Next Morning
"Ladies, wake up."
Everyone was trying to get up except for Harper, who turned into a dog.
"Harper, wake up."
"bark." Harper said.
"I have beef jerky in my bag. It's yours."
Harper turned back, I gave her the beef jerky and walked into the kitchen to make coffee for the whole class.
'Please god, don't make me lose my temper during this trip.'
After breakfast
Aizawa wants all of us to get better with our quirks and The Wild Wild Pussycats are going to help us.
"Why do I have to work with Tiger?"
"Because I said so." Aizawa replied.
A Couple hours later
'I'm taking a break.'
"We're not done yet." Tiger said.
"I'm done for the day."
"Keep that attitude and you'll never be a hero." Tiger said.
'What The F*** Did He Just Say?!'
​​​​​Harper's POV
​​​​​​​'I wonder how everyone is doing.'
​​​​​​​"You Ungrateful Bastard!" Someone shouted.
"Was that Hera?" Sato asked.
"Harper said 'Yes.'" Koda replied.
"Chirp, Chirp."
"Tiger told her that she won't be a hero with her attitude." Koda said.
"Chirp, Chirp. Chirp."
"Also she's very mad." Koda said.
Tiger started running around but his butt was literal on fire.
"My a** is on fire!" Tiger shouted.
"Chirp, Chirp, Chirp."
"Quick, put it out!" Koda shouted.
We got some water and poured it on Tiger.
"Much better." Tiger said.
"Chirp, Chirp, Chirp."
"What did she say?" Tiger asked.
"Your butt is showing and your skirt is destroyed." Koda replied.
Tiger went back to the cabin for the teachers, Hera appeared in front of us but she had her wings out and is still mad!
"Where is he?! Where is that skirt wearing son of a bitch?!" Hera yelled.
"Calm down, Hera." Sato said.
​​​​​​​"Koda." Hera said.
Koda took me with him, ran away from Hera and I transformed back.
"Why are you running?"
"Hera scares me." Koda whispered.
Tokoyami's POV
​​​​​​​'Koda & Harper are running away from Hera? Now, they are hiding in a tree?'
​​​​​​​"Why are they hiding?" Dark Shadow asked.
"Probably has to do with Tiger running around with his butt on fire."
"That was funny." Dark Shadow said.
"Yami, Dark!" Hera yelled.
"You're on your own, man." Dark Shadow said.
'Even Dark Shadow is scared of Hera.'
​​​​​​​"Have you seen Tiger?" Hera asked.
"I think he went into the cabin for teachers."
After that she left, Koda & Harper were still hiding in the tree until Dark Shadow appeared and scared them out of the tree.
"Oww my back." Koda whispered.
"Yami, that was not funny." Harper said.
"It was Dark Shadow."
"Don't blame me, I'm a part of you." Dark Shadow said.
"Why were you hiding from Hera?"
"Because we knew where Tiger was and Koda was scared of her." Harper replied.
"She's still pissed at him and may kill him." Dark Shadow said.
'She won't do that...Too Late.'
​​​​​​​Tiger came back but he was falling from the sky and his back was on fire. Harper transformed into a dog and started digging dirt on Tiger.
"Bark!" Harper said.
"Look Out!" Koda yelled.
'Why is Vlad King falling from the sky?'
​​​​​​He fell on top of me.
'Can't breathe.'
​​​​​​​"Vlad, never stop me again!" Hera yelled.
"Hey Flame Princess, you may have just killed Toko." Dark Shadow said.
Hera moved Vlad King off of me.
"Yami, you still with us?" Hera asked.
'I'm just going to rest my eyes.'

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