"Don't think you're getting away!" He lunged for her.

"Yes I am!" She cackled.

Mom ran upstairs with dad trailing behind her. I chuckled when I heard a thud and screams of laughter. Mom and Dad were certainly annoying, but I loved them to death.


I was so excited! I was the only one with 100% on my science test! Mom and Dad would make a huge feast at dinner and tell me how smart I am. Then lightly argue about whose side I got it from.

I gripped my backpack straps tightly, and ran home from school. It was Friday, so that meant no school for two more days. It was a really good day for me today. I grinned and started to skip.

Then a few police cars started to pass by. I was feeling good today so I smiled and waved at them. They paid no attention to me and passed on by.

I didn't really care and went on skipping. I wondered what type of feast Mom would lay out? Hopefully she'd make a lot of fruity desserts. I loved fruits and vegetables, not much meat.

I started to notice more and more police cars on the way. I thought 'what type of crime happened?' Then I dismissed that thought and I looked at my feet as I skipped. I wanted new shoes, these were getting worn out. Maybe now, I could get new shoes! I smiled at that thought. I looked up and saw my house just a few minutes away.

My skipping turned to walking. My walking turned heavier. I dropped my hands from my backpack straps and slugged myself over to my house. If I could get to it. It was surrounded by police cars, and two ambulances. My neighbors were outside their houses looking at mine. Some took a glance at me, and sympathy filled their eyes. My breathing was slower as I got closer and saw my next-door neighbor, Ms. Hanson, frantically waving her arms and talking to some police with panic in her face.

Out came two stretchers, with two very familiar people on them. I couldn't believe what was happening. 'But maybe it's not that serious.' I thought. With a bit of hope, I walked to my lawn. I saw people hurrying to get my parents to the ambulances. When I saw their faces, I went into shock: Blank and white. Like a piece of paper. Faces aren't pieces of paper! Their bodies were covered in black tarp blankets.

I dropped my bag and ran over to them. My breathing was hard and my head felt hot. I was forgetting everything right now. Just doing what my brain made me do. I was in shock.

"Miss, who are you?" Someone asked.

I didn't pay attention to them. I didn't even know if that was a girl or boy. Because I didn't care about them. I wanted Mom and Dad.

Someone pushed me and said something. Or asked something. I don't know. So I pushed them back and ran to the closest stretcher: Mom. I tore off the tarp and saw something nobody should ever see. Movies couldn't portray murder scenes. They were a disgrace to the real thing. My world completely stopped when I unveiled her. There wasn't just one stab.

Her body was unrecognizable.

From her neck down, I saw stabs everywhere. Deep stabs. Unnecessary stabs. It was a bloody mess. Her whole body was basically mush, and I even saw some of her intestines. Finally, the stench of iron hit me. I almost threw up. I think I did. I don't know. My hands were bloody, and I felt everyone's eyes on me. I looked at Dad. My eyes stung and the inside of my mouth was hot and sticky. The lump in my throat was unbearable as I unveiled Dad.

He was worse than Mom. I saw intestines everywhere. Flesh was brutally ripped off, revealing his ribcage. I saw his esophagus, liver, lungs. Everything that I got right in the science test I took, was real in front of me. His arm was cut off, too. It laid on his chest. His wedding ring still on. My cheap home made bracelet still on. Lastly, I saw his heart. It was the heart that loved me and Mom. It had stopped beating.

I think mine might have stopped beating too. The stench was unbearable, as was the sight. My hands and arms were stained with my parent's blood. I knew I had threw up by now. My stomach was aching. So was my head. Everything was blurry, like I could put glasses on and make it clear. But I didn't want this to be clear. I stopped breathing and black dots filled my vision. Like the black dots you see when you stare at the sun too much. I wanted to stop witnessing this mess. So I stopped. I stopped seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, feeling. I fainted.

This was a perfectly horrid beginning.


*A/N: How's my new book guys? Although it's a bit short, I think I write better with shorter chapters.

I always have more fun with writing the beginning. I like the cover I made, even if I do say so myself. And the title is shorter haha.

I have to pee but my stupid brother is taking a long ass shower.

Vote and comment please! Thanks, my lovelies.*

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