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Author's Note

— Be aware that this book contains dark elements that consists of; implication to suicide, suicide attempts, depression, self-harm, PTSD, trauma, typical violence, occasional gore, and references to sexual activities (not explicit)

I may have plan for this story to have comedic themes but I can picture future chapters to have anything related to dark elements, as by the name of the story's title; "Apache Tears" is a reference towards the journey of healing from sorrow and grief.

This is a way to express the author's own issues from real life (usually brief and vague), a personal matter which will be disclosed. Other than that, nothing can be taken too seriously. I can also warn that I won't update regularly or consistently due to being busy with my studies in school.

Other thing to add; english isn't my native langauge. Even when I'm rather fluent in speaking, I still have a lot to learn and I'm still studying to improve my writing in english. Any mistakes or errors that you catch I can fully apologize. Lastly regarding the plot, if the story doesn't satisfy you then that is alright. You can always read another story that meets your expectations, there's nothing wrong with disliking or liking something as long as you are not too obnoxious about it.

To finish this off, I already stated in chapter one and in my bio that I have stated I have tumblr. Like I said, I post more updates on there and usually more active. Follow my tumblr @/p0rkbun to be tuned for updates and other silly things I post, check out my art too ;)

With that being said, I hope you enjoy the story ♡

With that being said, I hope you enjoy the story ♡

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