Seeing After Long Time

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days passed like the blink of an eye I went too late to Delhi when I reached where the wedding was going to be held I started looking around then I saw Shreya rubbing her head I understood she had a lot of work recently I was about to go near her when I saw Rohit giving her medicine they both talking with laughing I felt jealous she left to her room in evening I see she is coming she looks beautiful but I felt weird she lost her smile I think Dad is right I was going to her I had a call I went in the corner

days passed like the blink of an eye I went too late to Delhi when I reached where the wedding was going to be held I started looking around then I saw Shreya rubbing her head I understood she had a lot of work recently I was about to go near her ...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I saw Shreya looking outside from the window why she is alone here? I thought I reached her

"hi," I said

"hi" she is still in shock

"did you miss me," I thought to tease her

"what," she said

"you are still putting your hand on your heart so I thought you missed me," I said with a smile

She realized and straight her hand she was blushing

"Who is missing you I was having fresh air," she said

"you still don't know how to lie in front of me so why are you trying " I said

"whatever " She was about to go I held her hand

"where are you going jaan " I know she hates this word

"stop that how many times do I have to tell you to stop that jaan " she angrily pouted

"then who should I tell you jaan how about Kamya " I tease her

"then go to her why are you holding my hand Go and hold her hand " I laughed at her cuteness

"I think someone is jealous," I said

"who is jealous this is my Di's function you are wasting my time," she said

"but someone is standing alone I didn't bring you here," I said

"you," she said

"what " and there we again start

Suddenly Kamya came

"What are you doing here alone?"

she asked

Then I realized I was daydreaming I saw Shreya she was standing near the window

"Nothing "I have no interest in talking with her

I went towards Mom and Dad


I saw Kunal I felt my heartbeat increasing he was still the same he hadn't changed at all he is more handsome now he put his phone in his pocket I was hesitant to meet him so I ignored him and went to Di again.

I saw Kunal I felt my heartbeat increasing he was still the same he hadn't changed at all he is more handsome now he put his phone in his pocket I was hesitant to meet him so I ignored him and went to Di again

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I saw he was talking with Kamya somehow I felt a little weird but I ignored it and decided to focus on the function

"What are you doing here shreya"

I was in my thoughts when suddenly someone asked me i saw Di standing beside me


I don't want Di  to involved in my matters I don't want to create tension for me

"Nothing I don't think there is anything also when your childhood friend came here and you didn't even talk with him "

I thought Di knew everything as always

"There is no one who is my childhood friend you go everyone is dancing why are you standing beside me just go"

I dragged her to Jiju so they could dance like other couple

I went to a bar i didn't start drinking but today I have a craving to drink something i saw Viraj was also standing there

"Why are you here"

Viraj ask me

"Why everyone is asking me the same question today can't I go somewhere "

I scolded him so he wouldn't be able to ask me further questions

"You didn't change after this time passed I thought you would be nice to everyone but you didn't"

He mocked me

"I'm good as I'm now I don't want to change myself"

I replied

"Not even for the love of your life "

I shocked at his statements

"What are you saying"

"I have eyes baby I can see everything that is cooking between you and your so-called best friend"

He says

"There is nothing like that between us "I try to clear things

"I think you are right see Kunal is standing near my sis and they seem close look my sis is proposing to him for dancing"

I look in Kunal's direction

"Let them dance "

I said and grab a glass of wine

"Stop drinking you can't resist alcohol"

Viraj tried to stop me but I stopped him and finished the whole glass at once

"Let's dance"

I offered him to dance with me

"Are you sure about that?"

He asks me


We also went to the dance floor where everyone was dancing

I was losing my senses at one glass song was too loud for me when I heard this is my favorite song I'm enjoying the song and dancing with Viraj I wasn't able to dance properly suddenly I twisted my leg I thought my back was going to heart but I feel someone's arms on my wrist

That was Kunal 

Treasure of LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ