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We were having our coffee when my phone rang when I saw collar I'd anger ran through my nerves Kunal saw my expression I excused them and went out

"Hello " I picked up the phone and said angrily

"hello beautiful " his cheap voice makes me angry

"Why did you call me get straight on the point, " I say angrily

"don't you wanna know how I made your server hacked a few days ago "

He started laughing

"I don't want to know your crispy plans I have my way of finding out don't you dare to call me ever " I cut the call and headed to the cafe when I reached in everyone was having a chat I didn't want to spoil their moods so I decided to leave

"I'll take a leave now "

"What happened suddenly, " Viraj asked

"Nothing my head is hurting " I replied

"again migraine "

Raj's uncle asked with concern he is the  person who cares for me like my father 

"I dropp you " kunal ask

"no, I can manage "

I refuse

"no princess Kunal is right you are not going alone this is not safe Kunal will drop you, " raj uncle said with a firm tone

"But what about you " I ask

"I'll call the driver he can drop Dad now let's go," Kunal said while standing up

"OK then bye everyone" We said goodbye

We went out we sat in the car but Kunal took another way

"This is no way of my house " I got confused and said

"We are going somewhere just stay silent "

He said with driving he stopped the car in front of the ice cream shop

"what are we doing here " I ask

"We are here to watch the movie "

I angrily pout

"stop making faces now let's go "

he said and we headed towards the shop I ordered chocolate ice cream like a small kid Kunal also ordered his favorite 

"Everyone stop when I ask for ice cream then why are you letting me eat ice cream today " I ask with curiosity

"Because I know you are in a bad mood today now tell me what happened "

Our ice cream comes we start eating

"that call was from David," I said while eating

"Why" he asked

"he said he wanted to tell me something about his cyber attack on my company I refused him I knew he just wanted to provoke me " I told him the whole truth we had our ice cream

"let's go " kunal said

"Can we go after some time? " I ask him

"OK as you wish "

he said we both smiled we sat on the bonnet of the car I put my head on his shoulder we both stayed for some time like this we were staring moon silently we both had peace which we needed at the time

"Mom Dad's anniversary is coming "

He said while looking at me

"when " I said excitedly

"After two days will you help me to plan the party " he asked my help

"I like it you know I'm good at planning events " I excitedly said

"where we can arrange a party " he asked me

"in your house, they have many memories in their house "

"how we can plan a party Mom always staying at home," he asked

"let me handle everything " I confidently said

"OK mam," he said

"let's go you will be late for the house," I said while trying to get up Kunal held me and said

"stay for a while please," he said

"Mr. Malhotra you are being clingy day by day, " I said teasingly

He laughed we went home sometimes he dropped me home then he went to his home 


I dropped Shreya at her house I was going towards my house when I was thinking my Shreya suddenly David popped up in my mind I need to do something about this David is crossing his limits now I went home 

two days passed in the blink of an eye Shreya helped me with planning the party and she managed Mom to keep her busy with shopping

We prepared everything I invited all the guests she prepared decorations and catering we invited business partners and our friends

Guest started coming we surprised Mom and dad we greeted everyone at the Party Shreya managed all the guests and the party I went towards her and offered her a soft drink

"drink this you didn't eat anything from morning "

"I have no time I need to see the catering staff " she refused me

"drink this I'm ordering you, " I said glaring at her

"Who are you to ordering me? " she pout

I went close to her tucked her hair behind her ears and said

"you know who I am to you do I have to say"

She blushed took a glass of juice from me and drank it

We didn't know Two pairs of eyes were watching us from some distance

"Didn't I say they will come together one day?" Dad said to someone

"hmm we will see "

"aren't you happy look everyone knows Shreya and they are all her connections see she is now successful her on own don't be angry with my princess "

"excuse me she is my princess she is my daughter no one can call her princess except me "It was her dad Ajay's uncle

I invited him to surprise Shreya 

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