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Zafina, who had been silently observing, added, "It's a cruel fate for them. They have no control over their own minds."

Julia chimed in, "The G-Corporation is using their brainwashing technology to create an army of mind-controlled individuals. We have to stop them."

Asuka crossed her arms, her determination is evident. "We can't let them continue this reign of terror. We have to rescue the girls and put an end to this madness."

Baek nodded in agreement. "The helmets are the key to breaking the brainwashing. If we destroy them, we may be able to save the girls."

Leo, who had been quietly listening, spoke up, "But getting close to them won't be easy. Satoko and Ayako are formidable fighters, even more so under the influence of the helmets."

Hwoarang smirked, "Then we'll have to be even more formidable. We've faced tough challenges before, and we'll do it again."

Lars added, "Our bond and unity will be our greatest strength. Together, we can overcome anything."

Claudio turned to Xiaoyu, "You mentioned earlier that you had a recording of Haruko's voice. Play it for everyone, let us hear what she says."

Xiaoyu nodded, "Of course." She activated the recording again, and Haruko's voice filled the room.

In the recording, Haruko's voice sounded both sad and determined. "I know you're all trying to save us, but please be careful. The G-Corporation's technology is powerful, and they won't hesitate to use it against you. I've seen what they can do, and it's terrifying."

Claudio clenched his fists as he listened to Haruko's words. "We won't back down. We have to save them," he said firmly.

The recording continued, and Haruko spoke of her love for Claudio. "Claudio, I wanted to tell you something before it's too late. I love you. You've been my guardian, my mentor, and my lover. I never thought I could feel this way about someone, but you showed me what it means to be free."

Claudio's eyes welled up with tears, and he wiped them away. "Haruko..." he whispered.

The recording concluded with Haruko expressing her determination to stay by Claudio's side. "I want to be with you forever, Claudio. I want to be part of this alliance, not just for the cause, but because I want to be with you. Please remember me, and please forgive me for any pain I may have caused."

As the recording ended, Claudio was lost in thought, processing the depth of Haruko's feelings for him. Xiaoyu placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering him support.

Baek spoke up, breaking the silence, "We have to honor Haruko's sacrifice by saving the girls and bringing down the G-Corporation."

Theodore, who had been quietly observing, nodded in agreement. "I agree. Let's focus on the rescue mission and finding a way to break the brainwashing."

Alexander added, "We have the strength of our alliance and the power of our unity. Together, we'll overcome any challenge."

Oliver, feeling the weight of the situation, spoke up, "I'm ready to do whatever it takes to save them. Let's make Haruko's sacrifice count."

Miguel sighed, "So they really are under the control of the G-Corporation."

Baek suggested, "Maybe the best option is to destroy the helmets. If we can remove the source of their brainwashing, they might snap out of it."

The idea resonated with the team, and everyone agreed that it was the best course of action. Lei smiled, feeling hopeful that his daughters could be saved.

Lee chuckled, "It won't be easy, but it's the right thing to do."

Josie chimed in, "If we raid the G-Corporation tower, attack the girls, and destroy the helmets, we might be able to save them."

Julia and Asuka found the idea intriguing, while Lei believed it was the perfect plan to save the girls.

Jin turned to his uncle's Lars and Lee, seeking their approval. Claudio added, "It's the only way to stop Kazuya's tyranny and save the girls."

Hwoarang nodded in agreement with Claudio, knowing that they had to act decisively.

Lars looked around the room, taking in the determined faces of his team. "Alright," he said firmly. "We'll raid the G-Corporation tower and rescue the sisters. It's time to put an end to Kazuya's reign of terror."

The team cheered in agreement, and Theodore, Alexander, and Oliver felt a newfound sense of purpose. They were ready for the rescue mission, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the meeting concluded, the team began to strategize and plan their attack on the G-Corporation tower. Everyone knew that the mission would be risky and dangerous, but they were determined to save the brainwashed sisters and put an end to the evil schemes of Kazuya Mishima.

Oliver felt a sense of responsibility and determination. He knew that he had to make amends for his past actions and prove himself to his newfound family. With the support of his friends and the love of his foster mother, Katarina, he felt stronger than ever.

As the team prepared for the raid, they knew that their bond and unity would be their greatest strength. They were a family, brought together by shared experiences and a common goal. Together, they would face the challenges ahead and fight for justice and freedom.

With the plan in place and their spirits high, the team set out on their mission, ready to face whatever awaited them at the G-Corporation tower. The fate of the Kiyomizu sisters and the future of the alliance rested in their hands. And as they stood together, united in purpose, they knew that nothing could stop them from saving those they loved and bringing down the evil forces that threatened their world.

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