💜﹒♩﹒✿﹒𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟕

Start from the beginning

"You're all a bunch of spineless cowards!" Oliver taunted, trying to maintain his façade. "You'll all rot in prison, thanks to me!"

Darrel seethed with anger, wounded and cornered. "I'll kill you, you little rat!" he growled.

Oliver's nerves were on edge, but he refused to show fear. "You don't have it in you," he said calmly, even though his heart was racing.

But Darrel's fury only escalated, and he launched himself at Oliver with renewed force. The confrontation was intense, with both of them exchanging blows. As the fight ensued, Oliver's determination only grew, fueled by the memories of his lost family and the need to protect those he loved.

In a moment of desperation, Oliver managed to gain the upper hand. He found himself holding the gun, and he couldn't help but think of all the lives that had been lost because of Darrel's actions.

"Tell me," Oliver demanded, his voice low and intense, "did you have anything to do with Anais Garcia's family's murder?"

Darrel's face contorted with surprise, and a cruel smile spread across his lips. "Oh, you mean the Garcia family? Yeah, I had them taken care of," he sneered.

Oliver's heart sank, his worst fears confirmed. "You monster," he muttered, his voice filled with anger and sadness.

But there was no time for further confrontation. Darrel was dangerous, and Oliver knew he had to end this once and for all. Taking a deep breath, he made the difficult choice to end Darrel's reign of terror.

With a heavy heart, Oliver pulled the trigger, and the gunshot echoed through the hideout. Darrel fell to the ground, lifeless, as the room fell into silence.

Oliver felt a mix of relief and sorrow, knowing that he had done what he had to do to protect his family and the Resistance. But the weight of taking a life was not lost on him.

As he fled the hideout, he found a Japanese restroom and entered, needing a moment to compose himself. He closed his eyes and prayed silently, seeking forgiveness for the actions he had taken in the name of his mission.

While inside, a knock on the door startled him, and a voice called out, "Hey, you okay in there?"

Oliver quickly wiped away any signs of distress and unlocked the door. "Yeah, sorry about that," he apologized, stepping out and leaving behind the restroom's somber silence.

Oliver returned safely to the hideout of The Resistance. Sweat and fear crawled on his eyes, until Katarina stepped forward, her voice soft yet steady. "Oliver, are you alright?" she asked, her motherly instincts kicking in.

He nodded, trying to push back the torrent of emotions swirling inside him. "I'm okay. It had to be done," he said, trying to reassure both himself and his family.

Asuka approached him, her eyes filled with admiration. "You did what you had to do. We all know how dangerous Darrel was," she said, offering her support.

Baek's gaze softened as he placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "It's never easy to make those kinds of decisions, but sometimes, it's the only way to protect the people we care about," he said with wisdom.

Hwoarang remained silent, but the look in his eyes conveyed a sense of understanding. He had faced similar challenges in his life as a fighter and a member of the Resistance.

Oliver took a deep breath, trying to find strength in their support. "Thank you," he whispered, feeling a glimmer of hope in the darkness that surrounded him.

The days that followed were filled with mixed emotions for Oliver. He kept up his act with The Rats, gathering information and ensuring the safety of the Resistance. But the weight of Darrel's death still haunted him, and he found himself seeking solace in quiet moments of reflection and prayer.

Katarina, Asuka, and the rest of the Resistance members noticed the change in Oliver, but they respected his need for space and time. They had all faced hardships in their fight against powerful organizations, and they knew that each member had their own way of coping.

As the weeks passed, Oliver continued his training with Katarina and Asuka, honing his fighting skills and learning new techniques. He wanted to be prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead in his quest to find Satoko.

One evening, as the sun set over the Resistance Hideout, Hwoarang paid a visit to the base. He had been away on a mission, but now he was back to check on his team.

"Katarina," he called out as he entered the room, "how's everything been?"

Katarina smiled warmly. "We've been managing well. Oliver has been adapting quickly, and his dedication is commendable," she replied.

Oliver felt a sense of pride at Katarina's words. He had come a long way since he first joined the Resistance, and he knew he had grown both as a fighter and as a person.

Hwoarang turned his attention to Oliver, a hint of a smile on his face. "Ah, the newbie. I hear you've been causing quite a stir," he teased.

Oliver chuckled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the skilled fighter. "I've been doing my best to be a valuable member," he said.

Hwoarang nodded approvingly. "You've got potential. Keep training hard, and you'll be a force to be reckoned with," he said, offering words of encouragement.

Asuka couldn't resist chiming in, "Yeah, and you better keep up with your acting skills too. We might need to send you on another undercover mission soon."

Oliver smirked, feeling a sense of determination. "I'll be ready for whatever comes my way," he replied confidently.

In the midst of the challenges and uncertainties, Oliver held onto the support of his newfound family and the hope of reuniting with Satoko. Each day brought him closer to his goal, and he knew that with their strength and guidance, he would persevere through any darkness that lay ahead.

As the Resistance prepared for their next mission, Oliver felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was no longer just a lost actor playing a role; he was a member of a family united by their cause. And with that, he was ready to face the unknown and take on whatever obstacles awaited them on their journey to find Satoko.

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