Chapter 11: Elvis With Your Nose So Bright

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Pat's workshop was abuzz with elves and firefighters, all preparing for Christmas Eve.

"So they make it back, and when everybody hears their story, they start to realize, maybe, they were a little hard on the misfits."

Elvis and his friends opened the big gates of Pat's workshop, where they were greeted and welcomed back with opening arms from all of the elves and firefighters, including Boyce and Fireball and all of the elves.

"Maybe, misfits have a place too, even Pat realizes that, maybe, he was wrong."

Pat and Elvis were standing in front of each other. Pat was realizing his horrible actions towards the young man, how he had berated him, though not directly, and it had harmed him. It had harmed them all, being foes instead of friends.

"Elvis, I promise," Pat was telling the young firefighter, "as soon as this storm lets up I'll find homes for ALL those misfit toys!"

"Alright," Bob the Builder told Sam, "you can open up a dentist's office." He shook the young elves's hand. "Next week," he said quickly, "after Christmas."

Sam spoke up: "come here, open your mouth!"

"Ahhhhh..." Bob said reluctantly as he opened his big mouth. Sam looked inside before saying, "oh, dear." He finished up looking and then told the Builder, "I'd better set up an appointment: week from Tuesday, 4:30, sharp!" Bob the Builder groaned in pain as he clenched his jaw in his hands.

"I'm sorry too, Elvis, for the way I acted," Boyce told the firefighter, who was standing near Penny, looking prettier as ever.

Suddenly, a loud thumping sound could be heard. Everyone turned their heads in confusion. What on earth was that sound?

"Open up!" a familiar voice cried out.


No, it couldn't be. He-he was... gone.



"It isn't a fit night for man nor beast!" the voice cried out yet again. Some elves pulled open the big heavy gates, and some wind blew out as the door slowly creaked open. In came none other than Trevor Evans! Some gasps came from the crowd.

"Here's the man," he said, pulling out some of his sled to reveal the dogs, safe and sound. Still he continued, "and HERE'S the beast!" He pulled out the rest of the sled, revealing The Bowsy. The elves and firefighters gasped. The Bowser, King of the Koopas, was right in front of them! Everyone started to move away, terrified.

"Now calm down," Trevor told them, "calm down! I reformed this Bowsy! He wants a job! Lookee what he can do!"

The Bowsy then put a shining silver star upon the tall Christmas tree. Everyone exclaimed in delight as the shiny twinkling ornament made a little tinkling sound.

"And he doesn't even need a stepladder!" Trevor continued.

Elvis said, "but-but you went over the side of the cliff!" He wanted to know how on earth his friends-an old one and a new one-had survived that terrible fall.

"Didn't I ever tell you 'bout Bowsies?" Trevor replied, "Bowsies bounce!"

All of the elves, including Jay, burst out into relieved laughter. The trouble was over. Christmas time had come at long last. They started to clap their hands in delight.

The elves worked endlessly on their toys, as 'We are Pat's Elves' played in the background. Bob the Builder looked on proudly, making sure that all of the work was done right on schedule.

"Well, as good as everyone feels," Wu's voice said, "this is no time for celebrating. Because the next day is Christmas Eve! The biggest day of the year!"

"Eat, Papa, eat!" Mrs. Clifton demanded of her unusually skinny husband.

"How can I eat?" Pat replied angrily, "that silly elf song is driving me crazy!"

"You're gonna disappoint the children," his wife replied, "they expect a fat Pat!"

Pat looked a bit angrily as an elf approached him with some pieces of paper in hand.

"Latest weather report, Sir!" he said. Pat took the papers and looked them over. His face changed from angry to almost... fearful.

"Well," he finally said, "this is it. The storm won't subside by tonight. We... we'll have to cancel Christmas."

"Papa? Are you sure?" Mrs. Clifton asked.

"Everything's grounded!"


"Oh the poor kids. They've been so good this year too! But I couldn't chance it. I'll have to tell everybody that it's all off this year."

Pat got out of his chair and walked towards the party, where he said, "quiet! Quiet! Please everybody, quiet!"

Everyone fell silent.

"Quiet," he said once more. Then, he said, "I've got some bad news folks."

A murmur of worries came over the crowd as they all walked closer towards Pat Clifton, wondering whatever the matter was.

"Christmas is going to be canceled."

Immediately everyone started to talk, wondering 'why?' and 'how?' and, of course, 'really?'

"There's nothing I can do," Pat replied, "this weather-" He suddenly scrunched his face and shut his eyes tight, as Elvis's nose had started to glow very bright. "Elvis, Elvis, please! Would you tone it down a bit? I mean, that nose of yours-uh-" He stopped, realizing something.

"That- NOSE! That beautiful, wonderful nose!"

"Huh?" Elvis asked, rather confused. Why was Pat suddenly liking his nose? Oh, he must be mad! Sarcasm! Elvis felt a bit scared. This was it. He was going to be banished. Banished from Christmas Town. He would never see Sam or Trevor, or his Ma or Pa, or Penny...

"Elvis!" Pat exclaimed, now happy, "Christmas is NOT off, and you're going to lead my team!"

Everyone started to speak at once, shocked and confused.

"I am?" Elvis asked. Was this all a joke? Was... was Pat being... nice to him for a change?

"Yes Sir, you and that wonderful nose of yours!" Pat booped the young man's long nose, causing it to shine brighter. He shut his eyes tight at the gleaming glow of it all, yet he was still in quite a holly jolly mood.

"My nose, Sir?" Elvis was still confused.

"Oh ho ho," Pat laughed as he covered his nose, "from what I see now, that'll cut through the murkiest storm they can dish up!"

The crowd was still talking, all excited about this recent update in their lives. Elvis was finally proving himself worthy.

"What I'm trying to say is," Pat said as he put a hand on the young firefighter's helmet, "Elvis with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"

There was a moment of silence before Elvis said, "it will be an honor, Sir."

The crowd jumped and cheered with delight, all of the elves and firefighters. Christmas was saved. Elvis was now a valued Christmas Town firefighter. He had won. From a little misfit boy with a long glowing nose he was now destined for fame and fortune.

"I knew that nose would be useful someday," Steele was saying, Bella by his side, "I knew it all along!"

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