Chapter 1: Wu's Introduction

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Amidst the snow, the logo I present, could be seen before the movie really started.

Master Wu came strolling along, and he told the unseen audience as he continued to do so, "If I lived to be 100, I'll never be able to forget that big snowstorm a couple of years ago. The weather closed in and... well, you might not believe it, but the world almost missed Christmas!" He stopped for a moment before tipping his hat and saying, "oh, excuse me! Call me Wu. What's the matter, haven't you ever seen a talking ninja before?"

Wu continued to walk, picking up his stick before saying, "nice around here, isn't it? I call it Christmas Town, better known as the North Pole."

Wu continued on still, until he came upon some Christmas trees, decorated in all sorts of ornaments, gold and silver or some sort." He once again spoke, this time saying, "the Christmas Tree Forest. Yep, that's where we grew 'em. Nice place to live around here, you know."

Suddenly, Wu came upon a group of seals, all playing with boxes in colorful wrapping, no doubt Christmas presents that were soon to be delivered to children the coming Christmas.

"Christmas seals," Wu said a bit absent mindedly, before turning to the camera, "of course the number one citizens up here are the Clifton's: Pat and the Mrs. They live right over there, first castle on the left."

Suddenly, a huge brown castle with lots of little flags could be seen, where the one and only Pat Clifton, the man who delivers presents to all of the good little boys and girls, and his wife Mrs. Clifton, live.

Wu chuckled a bit as he presently said, "matter of fact, the only castle on the left, heh heh."

Now the dinner table was set inside the castle. Pat was sitting down, looking rather skinny as opposed to what most people think when the name 'Pat Clifton' is said. His wife, Mrs. Sarah Clifton, was holding out his suit in front of him, looking rather upset at her husband.

"Papa, you haven't touched a morsel," she told Pat, "I'll have to take this suit in! Eat!"

Pat raised his fork, "I'm busy, Mama, it's almost Christmas!"

"Whoever heard of a skinny Pat? Eat, EAT!"

Wu looked rather calm as the funny situation unfolded, before saying, "now don't any of you worry your heads about Pat, 'cause Mrs. Clifton will have him plenty fattened up by Christmas Eve. It's always the same story."

Wu looked around for a moment before saying, "ahh, I love this Christmasy time of year. Especially when everything is running happy and smooth like it is this season. Nothing like that year of the Big Snowstorm. Brr! I don't know what we would have without Elvis to pull us through. Anyway- Elvis? Huh, could it be that some of you are not acquainted with the story of Elvis? Well, pull up an ice block and lend an ear! Ah, you know how Pat uses these flying firefighters to pull his sleigh."

A melody started to play, and Wu began to sing:

"You know Dasher, and Dancer and Prancer, and Vixen. Cole and Cupid, and Steele n' Blitzen. But do you recalllll...? The most famous firefighter of alllll...?"

The Elvis the Red-Nosed Firefighter theme started to play, and upon a Christmas tree the words, written through the snow, said, 'Master Wu tells the story of:'

The focus now swept to another tree, where the title read: 'Elvis the Red Nosed Firefighter.'

On some presents read the words: 'Written by Me,' 'adapted from the original Rankin Bass holiday special,' and, last but not least, 'and the song by Johnny Marks and the original idea by Robert May.'

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