Chapter 5: The Firefighter Games

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Meanwhile, all of the firefighter boys were wrestling and tumbling with each other, laughing in a boyish and childish manner. Norman and Elvis could still be seen together. They were comparing each other's heights, such as boys do when they are that age.

"Hey look!" Norman suddenly exclaimed, "girls!"

The two boys looked to see a group of giggling girls, all talking amongst themselves. One of them, a blonde-haired girl with a bow in it, about the same age as Elvis, blinked and smiled at Elvis sweetly, clearly smitten with him.

"Hey, whaddya know? One of 'em likes ya!" Norman nudged Elvis playfully. "Yeah, Norman, you really think so?" Elvis said as they both looked at the little girl in wonderment.

Suddenly, a shrill whistle blew. "Uh-oh, here comes the coach!" Norman said. Elvis looked back at the blonde-haired girl, who fluttered her eyelashes at him.

The firefighter boys all gathered around Coach Cole, a ninja firefighter with jet black hair, a cap and a whistle, who also happened to be on Pat's sleigh team, standing before them.

"Alright, alright kiddos, ALRIGHT NOW!" He said to keep the audience calm. "That's better," he said as soon as things were all quiet. "My name is Cole," he said as a little bit of chatter started to emerge, "and even though I'm your instructor, I wanna be your pal. Right? Right." All of the boys nodded in agreement.

"My job is to make men out of ya, so let's go!" Coach Cole blew his whistle loudly. "Alright," he said, "our first game is called Takeoff. We all wanna pull Pat's sleigh someday, don't we? So, we must learn to fly! Now, who's first to try?"

Immediately the group of about six or seven boys all crowded around him, begging to go first. "One at a time, ONE AT A TIME!" Coach Coal yelled before randomly pointing to a little blonde-haired kid with freckles, about ten or eleven years of age, Elvis guessed.

"You," he said, "you're Dasher's little boy, aren't ya? You go first!"

"Awwww," went the rest of the young boys.

The kid walked away from the group, ready to take off.

"Alright now, the whole trick is getting up enough speed and jumping into the wind!" Cole explained. "Ya got it?" he asked the little boy, "go ahead."

Instantly the young firefighter ran across the snow before jumping into the air for a split second. Instantly he fell to the ground, his face becoming covered in snow. Instantly all of the other boys laughed at his blunder, being boys, afterall.

"Very good for a first try!" Coach explained, "next!" he called out to let another little boy go.

Norman turned to Elvis. "He won't get to us for a while yet. Now's your chance to get acquainted with that girl!"

Elvis giggled a bit, a blush spreading across his cheeks. He quickly approached the little girl, who had been watching the Firefighter Games this whole time.

As soon as they were both standing in front of each other, they looked down, their faces feeling hot. Finally the girl lifted her head and said, "nice day."

"Yep," Elvis replied goofily.

"For takeoff practice, I mean," she replied in a sweet and gentle voice, the sweetest thing that Elvis had ever heard in his entire life.

"Yep," he replied, choking on his words a little bit.

"I bet you'll be the best," the girl replied.

"Well, uh, I dunno," Elvis looked down and started to blush like absolute mad. He was smitten with this unnamed girl.

"Something wrong with your nose?" the girl inquired, "I mean, you talk kind of funny."

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