Affectionate - Matt 💙

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Prompt: Matt and Y/N are in a relationship, but Y/N has a harder time with affection.

* Did yall miss me? I'm back bitches lol 😋  sorry this is kinda short. I wanted to at least give you guys something*

CW: cutesy stuff, some kissing, tiny bit spicy/suggestive towards the end

Y/N's POV:

I've never been one to be openly affectionate towards others, not even to close family. My love language has always been words of affirmation and gift giving. Matt and I started dating about a year ago, and everything has been great. His love language is definitely physical touch, and I've grown accustomed to it. We never really talked too much about my lack of physical affection until today.

I got ready to head to Madi's house, and Matt was laying in bed. "Alright baby, I'm leaving. I'll see you when I get back!" I said as I grabbed my charger. "Y/N, come here," Matt said, and I turned around. My heart fluttered at the sight of him. His hair was messy, his tattoos were on full display, his eyes looked blue as the ocean as the light shined through the curtains, illuminating his beautiful features.

I must have stared at him for too long because Matt chuckled a bit. "Y/n, get over here." He giggled at me. I walked over to him and stood next to him as he propped himself up on one arm while his other one reached up and pulled me in gently by the back of my neck. He kissed me. It was a soft kiss, but I felt it through my entire body. Matt always has that effect on me.

I pull away from the kiss, and he smiles at me. "You know what I've noticed?" He says to me. I shake my head. "What?" I ask. His hand moved to cup my face, and his finger ran over my bottom lip as he looked at me. "I noticed that it's always me who kisses you. It's never the other way around." He says. My face heats up.

"I'm sure I've kissed you myself before," I say. He shakes his head. "Nope. I'm always the one who initiates all our kisses or hugs or anything like that. Y/n, you know if you don't want a kiss or something, you can stop me. I never want you to be uncomfortable, baby." Matt says.

I shake my head, and my face heats up. "It's not like that, I just, I don't know how to explain it." I stumble over my words. He nods and caresses my cheeks as he listens to me. "That's okay, baby. I'd never pressure you into anything, you know that, right?" He asks. I nod  and frown at him. "You don't feel unloved, right? I don't make you feel anything bad because I don't initiate things, do I?" I ask him anxiously.

His eyes widen, and he sits up all the way. He cups my face in his hands and shakes his head. "Oh, absolutely not, love. You make me feel so loved every day. Even though you don't initiate kisses or anything, it doesn't make me feel bad. Sometimes I just worry you don't want it and that I'm doing something you don't want. You love me in ways that no one else ever has, and it is one of the things that made me fall in love with you." He says.

I nod. "I'm sorry that I don't initiate things like I should, I just - " I start rambling but am cut off by his lips on mine. A very effective way to get me to shut up, if I do say so myself. Once we finally pull apart, he strokes my hair hair gently and looks at me.

"Never feel the need to explain yourself, love. I was only teasing. I know that you feel weird or unsure about starti-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his. He settles into the kiss and kisses me back passionately. I smile into the kiss and pull away.

"If you need me to be more forward, I can. I just need to get used to it, is all. I want to love you exactly how you want and deserve to be loved. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to do this." I say as he stares at me lovingly. He shakes his head and smiles as he grabs my hand and plays with my fingers.

"You love me enough now, baby. I was just teasing, but if you're gonna kiss me like that, I want you to do it all the time." He looks at me as he speaks flirtatiously, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I climb on his lap and loop my arms around his neck. "You really want this all the time?" I say teasingly.

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. "Y/N, you're killing me, love." He groans, and I laugh. He kisses me deeply, his hands moving up and down my waist. I kiss him back just as deep and eager.

Let's just say that night I gave him all of my affection ;)


Authors note:

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been uploading its been super busy lately. I'm gonna try to upload as much as I can. I'm so sorry this one is so short, but let me know what you guys think! Requests are still open! Happy holidays, everyone!

<3 A

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