"Palm? The one who cooks in your crew? Yes, her serving is quite delicious" Kurapika nodded in understanding.

"Indeed, it is" Leorio smiled proudly. "Well, I must be off then Kurapika-sama, still have a lot of lumber to carry." He bid his goodbye to the curious prince.

Kurapika didn't waste anytime to enter the mysterious tent as curiousness has already clouded his mind. Upon entering, he saw a wooden table with one chair on each side and a peculiar crystal ball in the middle of the table.

He went to touch it as the crystal was painted with red. "Oh Your Highness, it's surprising to see you here." He immediately retracted his hands from the crystal as it went back to its creamy color.

"Can I help you with something, Your Highness?" Palm sweetly asks.

"I'm quite curious of this crystal ball. Is this real?" He answered truthfully.

"Yes, of course. Senshou gave this to me 5 years ago. The crystal ball has the power to show you a glimpse of your future. Just ask and it will show."

"what's your proof to declare that this is real?" Kurapika interrogated the older lady.

"Senshou used this to know when the red moon will appear which will be tonight." Palm replied. "Do you want to give it a try, Your Highness? No harm will be done, I assure you."

The prince thought thoroughly and answered. "Alright"

Palm was glad to hear the prince's reply and quickly sat on a chair in front of the precious ball while Kurapika sat on the chair opposite from the said lady.

"Ask any question you can think of, Your Highness."

Kurapika was debating whether this crystal ball is real or not, although it's not that he doesn't trust captain Tsuki. Maybe he's afraid of what it will show him. Does the future hold danger or peace?

"Your Highness, whatever your question may be, you'll be the only one who can see the prophesy that will be shown so try to be calm although you can share it with me if you have other concerns." Palm stated. "If you want privacy, I can leave" the prince just nods and Palm left the prince alone.

The prince pondered for a moment thinking what will be his first question. "Will my wedding with the princess of Nostrade be as perfect as everybody think it will be?"

The crystal ball was painted with yellow and showed a wedding ceremony, a crown, silhouette of two girls wearing crowns, everything seems to be perfect but suddenly black flashed and showed a girl with white hair and heterochromia eyes with the color of blue and red laughing evilly with three men behind her. Kurapika sighed and the prophesy ended, the crystal ball went to its original color.

Now Kurapika is much more curious about that specific event something is going to happen and it is not good. Unbeknownst to the prince, a certain princess was watching him from the entrance of the tent, curious about the crystal ball. Upon seeing the prince stood up swiftly, Gin hurriedly hid from his cousin's presence and went back to her brother's side bringing her attention back at the pirates however her thoughts is set for the crystal ball.

Meanwhile, when Palm heard the sound of the chair, she immediately went to see the prince but the said prince was nowhere to be found.

Upon reaching for the exit of the tent, Kurapika bumped with the certain lady captain who was surprised to see the troubled face of the prince. Upon seeing where he came from, Tsuki realized that the crystal ball must've shown him something that might've caused it.

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