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Hello there sorry if I didn't get to write to you too soon. As I was busy with my job at hand, I did 2 1/2 hours worth of peer work at my cleaning job. That being said, I should only be doing two hours, not just because of my back and other injuries that I just stand as a kid but also because that's the outline and expectations, but I far-flung Flew over them today and then ended up doing 2 1/2 hours! $25 in my pocket for another tattoo that is towards another tattoo. So you might not agree with me about my tattoos and piercings but I was told by prophecy when I was a young girl person when I was about 15- 16 Start decorating my body with body jewellery as well as tattoos. That was what I was told I started stretching my ears when I was about to in grade 11 when I was 17 years old and I was a start of the journey. That being said, that's when I entered Sufism This is a different way off branch of Sufism. Then you would think about the vicious or the swirling dervishes. This is a tattoo dervish I just thought of the idea because I've heard of some of them might do something similar to this to commune with God. That being said, I was told in a dream I was to decorate my body. And that's what I do. But the job at hand, I do it is very good was very tiring at the same time as I've had to deal with more chores than I usually have to do. Because some twit threatened my job with me wrong girl you don't threaten my job and thinking and get away with it. I showed them up that I was gonna do a better job at cleaning my job!
That being said, my left elbow hurts, and my back the back the back, the back hurts like a son of a gun. That being said, I'm not very excited about having a wake up in the middle of the morning, because of the Pain that I'm gonna feel tomorrow! And Lord only knows that tomorrow, I might be feeling some kind of pain, and I'm gonna have to shovel snow for extra money for tattoos and piercings. I design my own tattoos, and while the piercings do themselves practically, except with the help of a piercer. There was one time I did this as a way of communing with God sophism, and I found that I got myself into the hospital not the mental hospital, but just a plain old hospital with a mini staff infection, and it was not very fun, and I threatened and vowed and promised that if I ever got another piercing or anything of the sort involving the skin, I would have it done professionally got my first tattoo done professionally a few months later after that, and since then, I've had my first professional piercing, and I'm very happy about that! That being said, my job is very important to me not just for the money, but for mindfulness purposes as well mindfulness is when he tried to stay in the present moment was breathing or activities. In this case this is a really big mindfulness activity that I do!
I do I'm hoping to do it three times a week because I just like to see that squeak and squeal clean. That being said, it's very interesting to see how one thing can be disgustingly, dirty one minute, and then heavenly clean on the next minute! 
though though there was a time when I was about to lose my job because of my act, and that's why I hated him for for the longest time because of my job was the most important thing to me. If I didn't have that job I'd be pretty much screwed and the job not financially, but I'll show emotionally because it was my way of mindfulness. That being said yeah, I nearly lost the job a couple of times and I've regained the job. I can tell you that I asked do I still have the job to one person who runs the house, and she said absolutely, and I was happy to hear that!
what I have to do is basically checklist of all the different things I have to do like chores I have to do around in my job and then clean like a happy dog. And work like a happy dog and see that you actually get more bang for your buck, if you get me to stay for two hours and 15 minutes two hours and 30 minutes. I'm hoping to break a record. But I don't know if that's gonna be Feasible with the idea of going three hours and four hours three hours maybe tops but I don't think I can do four hours. Because I am very busy lady sometimes and I like to be able to do other things, as well as some of my friends would like to get back to their job too, and not have to watch me clean and kill, germs!
that's what I call it. My germ killing job. As I call it because I despise germs. As you can tell that I despise germs I do read about them from time to time because they are interesting. Little freaks. Trying to keep my language polite. And I found the Actual germ is very interesting to read about whether there be Ebola or the cold the cold I think is a hell of a lot worse than some things because I've busted my ribs with a cold and the car lingers when you have a cold, so what's more sucky something you would die and not have to worry about or something that's gonna bust your ribs and you have to tell the! I think both are as bad. So I just kill every single freaking germ that I see in the place I get this cleaning spray and the wipes and down I go to work!
and then, the next thing you know, I end up with a shiny new tattoo, but shiny new tattoo, or piercing! As I said, if you do not like the idea of Sufism, being the idea of piercing and tattooing yourself, basically body or body decorating, and you don't need to read this particular post! Thank you!

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