Make Up Or Break Up

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     As Blitz lost miserably at chess, he was glad that Stolas was enjoying it so much.
   Every time Blitz set himself up for losing, Stolas would eye him carefully, but take the bait.
    "Blitz, you need to stop letting me win." Stolas said, taking another of Blitz's pawns.
   "What?" Blitz exclaimed with mock innocence. "I would never."
   He grinned and tried to win for the rest of the game, which wasn't much better than letting Stolas win.  Blitz actually managed to almost win a few times.
   Finally, after losing to Stolas one too many times, Blitz swiped all the chess pieces of the board. "Alright. I'm done."
   Stolas fake-pouted. "But you were doing so well!"
   "Like hell I was, Stolas." Blitz leaned back in his chair and gazed down at the fallen chess pieces. He sighed. "I hope I didn't break any of them. Sorry."
   "Don't worry about it, Blitzy. You forget I'm magic."
    "How could I forget that? It's literally your entire personality. Aside from being a horny owl." Blitz  spat, unsure where his anger came from.
   "What?" Stolas seemed genuinely hurt.
   "Oh, please. Half the time, all I hear is 'oh, I'm magic!' 'Watch me pick up everything with a flick of my hand!' And the other half I hear, 'oh Blitz!' 'Please Blitz! Just for one night!' Some of us don't have magic and aren't able to fix our problems by saying a few choice words!" Blitz growled, crossing his arms.
    "You think I can fix all of my god damn problems with a wave of my hand? If that were true, then Stella would be dead, you wouldn't be such an ass all the time, and Via wouldn't have run away! If it weren't for your selfishness and moping around, maybe Loona could've found her! You never answered any of my texts." With a long sigh, Stolas added, "And I thought you had changed, and maybe I could actually love you."
   Blitz was stung. Stung right in the heart. "Get out." He whispered.
   "Gladly." Stolas snapped, but there was a clear note of sadness in his voice.
   When he walked out, Blitz sank against his chair. "Loona! Get your ass out here!" He yelled.
   Loona slowly emerged. "What the fuck?"
   "Find Via."
    "JUST DO IT!" Blitz screamed, slamming his fist on the table.
   Loona whined and ran out the door, nose down.
   "God damn you, Stolas." Blitz whispered and then thought bitterly. They had already been damned. Forever.
   He picked up a chess piece and threw it at the wall. It felt better, so he picked up another and another until they all laid cracked and broken on the floor.
   Then he leaned against the couch and drank until he threw up and passed out. His last thoughts were of Stolas and how he was so stupidly innocent and cute but so infuriating.
    They would make up, and then they would break up.

The Royal Imp (Helluva Boss) StolasxBlitzWhere stories live. Discover now