In and Out of Time

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David ended up staying for the preparation and the coronation of course. A lot of people were shocked, not only that I was heir to the throne but also that Ferdinand wasn't my father. It wasn't something I intended to disclose, but it was obvious by my last name. His and David's being Baron and mine being Lauferie.

Either way, there was a bit of disruption amongst the people but I'm not too worried about it as they'll come around in time. David was right, the training wasn't difficult for me at all, which he frequently showed his frustration of. I think it's hilarious actually because he looks so funny when he pouts. We got a lot of time together to bond as he helped me study and came to a few classes with me.

I also got to know Ella more and she's a really sweet girl. She's been through a lot in life as well, both her parents having passed away, and we really connected over that. There were lots of stories shared as well, most of hers being of Madonna and how she treated her. It wasn't a shock to me as I know the redhead well enough to see her troubled past in her eyes.

Ella did tell me though that ever since she met me, she noticed a change in her. That made me smile when she said it because I loved to think I had a positive influence on the magnificent force of nature that Madonna is. Just before they left, I made sure to give them a good send off. I was a lot more emotional than I thought I would be but I didn't mind it either.

I assured them that they both will always have a place with me and expressed my sincere hope for them to visit. They promised they would, saying they'd also send me gifts from the places they'd travel to. It reminded me of my father and how he would go on long trips as well, always bringing me little things from his journey.

I watched as their carriage rode down the road until it disappeared, wiping the tear that had fallen down my face. "Ready to go, your majesty?" I turn to see Reginald, my official guard, and I nod. "Call me Marion, please. 'Your majesty' sounds so formal" I chuckle and for the first time I see him smile. "Yes ma'am, I mean Marion" she chuckles as she shakes his head and gestures back towards the palace.

During this busy period, I couldn't spend much time with Madonna so I've decided to see her today. I, unfortunately, can't go without a guard—which is a bit annoying but Reggie is cool. He's agreed to stay back and give us privacy, only wanting to keep me safe instead of being nosy like most of the others.

He was a bit surprised and hesitant when I told him I'd like to ride my horse but I assured him I'm well versed in the skill and he doesn't have to worry about me getting hurt. On the whole way over he was actually struggling a bit to keep up with me. I guess driving slow carriages for years isn't really good practice on riding a horse.

I motion for Savannah to go to her regular spot and she happily heads over to rest. I on the other hand make my way to the big doors, taking a deep breath as I reach the step. It's dark by this point as my day has been filled with so many things. It's beginning to slow down but these past few weeks have been non-stop whether it be speaking to other kings and queens or signing declarations.

I also had to meet my round table of sorts, those that help me make decisions. I don't like them very much, there's not really any diversity of the board and I intend to change that. Other than that, though, all I've been able to think about is Madonna. Today is the first chance I've had to see her and I'm beyond nervous because it's only been a short time but so much has changed.

I knock and wait patiently for her to open it, when she does I am speechless for a moment. She's somehow even more beautiful than I remember her, which I didn't even think possible. The moonlight shines perfectly on her, making her appear to glow like a star. She curtsies to me and to say I'm displeased would be an understatement.

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