you were always mine

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I decided I would head back out to the border today to see that house—her house. I do really love the structure and the style is so different from the others I've seen around here, I've only ever seen similar models in books; but that's not the only reason I'm returning. The house does have a charm of its own, however, it possesses an even grander charisma now that I know who lives there.

A true beauty inhabits those walls and it excites me. As I arrive, I hop down and hold the reins, my eyes scanning the brick formations. They've been weathered over time, shown by the variation of reds. Vines and moss cover some portions, only adding to the character. I return to the garden I was once in to conceal Sav and I instruct her to sit.

As I do so, I hear the door open and time seems to become a thing of the past. My head turns and I see the redhead taking deep breaths. Her eyes are closed and her hand lightly clutches her dress for a moment before she pats her hair. The sun makes it glisten as though the ginger strands are interwoven with pure gold strings.

I notice I'm not breathing and I gasp softly which draws her attention to my direction. It's silent for a while as she unknowingly stares directly into my eyes. I know she can't see me due to the shrubbery between us but it's almost as if she just knew. "Come out" she stated clearly and calmly and for a second I'm frozen until her body turns to me and it looks as though she'll approach.

I step out shyly, my gaze casted to the ground and I hear her chuckle in amusement. "I see you've managed to find me again" she smirks while taking long, slow strides until she's standing before me. "In a garden no less" she teases and I still haven't looked up at her, preferring instead to stare at the space between us.

I feel her finger once again lift my chin and my eyes meet hers once more. "What did I tell you about eye contact, hm?" she raises an eyebrow teasingly and it sends minor shocks throughout my whole body. I involuntarily shiver and her hand lingers for a moment before falling to her side. She gestures deeper into the garden and I take that as a signal to move.

I follow her until we reach a small bench and I'm reminded of how we first officially met. "I presume she's yours" I look up to see her eyes on Sav and I nod, "Savannah" I tell her and she hums. "Pretty" she mumbles, "the name or..." I ask and she chuckles deeply. I'm not sure why she found it funny but her laugh is so beautiful I don't give it any second thought.

"Both" she tells me, her gaze returning to me and I hear Savannah whinny so I avert my attention to her momentarily. She stands and walks over and I give her a look. "Savannah..." I warn her, using her full name in attempt to show my seriousness. "She's ok" Madonna assures me as the horse stalks closer until she's standing before us.

Madonna reaches out and pets her to which Sav sighs and sits down in front of her. She's typically really shy and doesn't come up to people, other than me, so I'm quite surprised but I can't help the smile that spreads on my face. She's always been a good judge of character and it delights me to know she trusts the redhead as much as I do.

"Marion" I state absentmindedly and the redhead turns her attention to me, placing her hands in her lap and eyeing me curiously. "My name—it's Marion" she smiles softly and hums, "much more beautiful than Mallory" she compliments me and I bite my lip shyly before thanking her.

"So... Marion. What brings you here? I assume you don't often venture so far, unless of course you live nearby" her questions stirs up a lot of things within me. The most troubling being that she truly doesn't know who I am which is partially a relief, of course. On the other hand, it pains me to continue lying to her but I am genuinely afraid of how she might react.

What she doesn't know won't hurt her. "No I um—I just really like the architecture" I tell her, not a lie because I truly do admire it. "Is that what you tell all the people that find you lurking on their premises?" she teases and I stutter a bit which makes her laugh again. "No I- I don't usually do this... I really am interested in it. It's a bit of a hobby" I explain and she nods slowly in thought.

"Is that what you'd like to be? An architect" she asks and I think about it for a brief moment before shaking my head. "I'm not really sure what I want" I confess, feeling a bit silly for being my age and having no clue as to where I'm going. "That's ok. You're young. You have plenty of time to decide" she assures me, "it doesn't often feel that way" I chuckle dryly and she hums thoughtfully.

"I suppose I'd want to be a singer... if I have any talent for it" I mumble, "isn't that something other people let you know you have?" she replies wisely and I have to agree with her. "All you can do is... keep working. Use what feels right, throw away the rest" she shrugs and it feels as though her advice is applicable to much more than a simple choice of career.

It makes me think of all the times I've heard my father's words of disapproval towards sapphic ideation. People fear what they don't understand and that can lead to the rejection and subsequent damnation of said beliefs. "Yes, I suppose you're right..." I whisper, glancing down at my fingers to distract myself from my racing thoughts.

I look up to see the sun is beginning to set and I know that soon the bell will ring as I'm sure they've noticed my absence by now. Then again, maybe they haven't but I can't risk it. "I have to go" I state abruptly, standing up and looking at her apologetically. She simply smiles politely, standing up and nodding to say it's ok.

"Thank you" I tell her and she furrows her eyebrows, eyes slightly narrowing in confusion. "Whatever for?" she inquires, "for sitting with me and for... listening" I answer and I could swear her eyes soften a bit more than before. I don't wait for a response, calling for Sav to get up and promptly mounting her.

I smile once more at the redhead who seems to be lost in thought before riding off towards the borderlands. I don't want her getting any ideas of where I'm headed as to keep my identity concealed and it's also the fastest route back since no one ventures out here. Once I've arrived back, I take care of Savannah before heading to the house.

They in fact didn't notice I was gone and I sigh to myself, realizing I could've stayed longer with Madonna but I'm here now so no use in getting upset about it. I bathe and retire to my room shortly after, deciding to skip dinner as I just can't be bothered.

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