the dust has gone

365 19 4

I hop up and stretch as my feet plant themselves on the floor. Smiling to myself as I see the sun is just barely rising over the trees. I spin around my room as I look for clothes and shoes. The one thing about today that might not be so pleasant is the unwanted company. Like I said it's been a while since I've left the palace but, whenever father or my brother leave, they always have guards of some sort.

I put on one of my nicest dresses, knowing that presentation is everything to my father. I need to look perfect—everything needs to be perfect for him to say yes. I slip on some heels I haven't worn in ages, grimacing slightly at the feeling it gives my foot. I push through it, twirling over to my vanity to put on a little makeup. I've never been one to get dolled up too often but my mother taught me well.

Even though I've learned, now that I'm an adult, her ideals are quite different from my own. I suppose it's just a sign of the times though. Once I've finished up, I quietly slip out my door and downstairs. I meet my father in the foyer where he spends most of his time nowadays. "Good morning, father" I greet him and he actually doesn't frown at me.

He doesn't quite smile either but no frown is better than I'd hoped. "I wanted to ask if it's possible I could go into town today?" I ask, "for?" he prompts and I hadn't thought that far. "I'd like to make a recipe I heard Fran talking about the other day. We don't have the ingredients here" I lie. I never ever cook, but I figure that's all the more reason he'd let me go. He's always saying I need to be more 'lady-like' so he should be over the moon.

"Fine. Be back before sundown" he sighs and I squeal, having to restrain myself from giving him a hug. I turn around quickly before spinning right back around. "Oh! Uhh... is there someone I have to call to take me?" I ask and he furrows his eyebrows. "You know... like how you and David send for the carriage before you leave" I remind him and he chuckles heartily.

"You... a carriage...? Absolutely not. Those things cost money, you know. You're not fit to be in a carrier with my seal on it, they'll think I've gone mad. Take a horse... you seem to love those" he continues to snicker after and my spirits fall as quickly as they were lifted. I run back up to my room, feeling foolish for thinking this would be easy. Nothing after mother's passing had been simple.

However, I'm determined to do what I set out to do today. I strip out of the uncomfortable attire, tossing on a much looser fitting dress. I still want to look presentable, to blend in a little. I put on shoes with a small heel and put my hair back. I look in the mirror to see I look like any other commoner. I've never felt like royalty really, I don't think I was made for it.

I take off my makeup, at this point being done with the whole charade. I throw a small bag around my shoulders and manage to sneak out the house undetected. I get to the stable and bring out my horse, gently petting her nose. "We're going to town today, Savannah. How does that sound?" I ask enthusiastically and she huffs in response. I get her all saddled up and get on, being careful to hold on tight.

I give her a light kick on the side and she starts walking. It doesn't take long for us to reach town, well sort of on the outskirts. I hop off, petting Savannah as I look for a place to secure her. "You'll sit and be a good girl?" I ask softly and she lays down quietly. "I'll bring you back a little treat" I promise and she kinda sighs causing me to chuckle.

As I'm walking the cobblestone streets of the town, I take time to notice my surroundings. The hustle and bustle of people bartering various items for another. I slip into a few shops here and there, mostly just for the atmosphere. It's getting a bit late and I figure I should bring something back. I did tell him I was getting ingredients for a recipe after all.

I grab some oats and a few fruits, I'm not really sure what it'll make but Fran can make something out of anything. I once watched her make a meal for everyone in the house during the famine. I was convinced she was Jesus for at least two weeks. Anyways, I grab the few things and place them in my bag. I duck out the little shop and begin making my way back to Savannah.

I'm momentarily distracted when a child darts through a little alley next to me. I follow her with my eyes and smile to myself. Before I know it, I'm flat on my ass with my back to the dirt. "You should watch where you're going" I hear a heavenly voice say, which prompts me to open my eyes so I can put a face to such a sound. I pry my eyes open, trying my best to blink away the dust flying around me.

My gaze reaches her face, my vision evening out the longer I look. My god, she's gorgeous. I can't seem to take my eyes off the redhead, her hair pinned up in a fancy do. Her dress hugging her in all the right places, though I'm sure all of them are as spectacular as the next. She looks down at me with a fan in hand, rolling her eyes as she waves the dust away.

As her eyes meet my own, I see them twinkle with something else. The annoyance in her gaze morphs into a look of curiosity, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. "Did no one ever tell you it's rude to stare?" she asks, the tone she uses being serious and yet a smirk is present on her face. "S-sorry" I stutter, feeling overwhelmed and only now realizing I'm still on the ground. I pull myself to my feet swiftly, brushing the dirt off my skirt before meeting her eyes again.

Once again caught in a staring contest, her icy blue eyes igniting a fire in my chest. Despite how cold they seemed, there was warmth swimming just beyond the surface. "MOTHER" the woman shakes her head quickly and turns away from me. I see the seemingly permanent expression of annoyance grace her features again. Though this time it seems a bit more... endearing?

I decide to slip away, not wanting to intrude. Although I wish to have gotten her name, I'm sure I'll see her again at some point. If I'm ever allowed out again. For her, I would risk being caught sneaking out. Something about her intrigues me and I feel a desperate need to know more. I give Savannah a little treat as we arrive back at the stables and I head back to the house.

As I predicted, no one noticed I'd left and I managed to get up to my room without running into anyone. Apparently there's an important dinner tonight but I've been informed not to attend; not that I give a damn. There's supposed to be guests coming over and I'm not typically fond of my father's companions. So I wash, change my clothes and get into bed.

My thoughts being exactly where they were hours ago, the redhead. I have a feeling this is going to be reoccurring until I can figure out the reason for it. What is so interesting about her? It's like she has me on a hook and by the look in her eyes earlier, she's no stranger to having that effect on others. A smile is stuck to my face as I fall asleep, hoping that dreams of the mystery woman fill my slumber.

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