1. Delphine's Story

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Chapter One

I woke up so early because of the same night mare I always had since I was five. In the dream I saw myself using some sort of White Magic and fighting bad guys. I asked my mom if magic ever existed, but she always gave me a 'no' answer. I've always wondered why and wish my grandparents were here at least they would have given me some clue about my dreams. But I was only two years old when they passed away.

The only thing I know is that the people of White Bridge has the ability to heal, but I don't know about magic. They can heal so fast that within some minutes the injury or bruises will be gone.
I was curious about knowing my father, but I haven't even seen him since I was born. But when I asked my mom she told me that my dad died long time ago in a war between Magvil Kingdom and Phirea Kingdom, before we left for White Bridge where she's from.
My mom never lets me go out, she would always tell me that the world is full of evil. If I may go out, that would be for her personal reasons or we want to get something, and that won't even last for an hour. I wondered what my mom takes me like, I'm 14 years already I'm old enough to take care of myself. But my mom seems to be taking me like a four months old baby.
"Mom" I called
"Yes sweetie"
"Mom, don't you think I'm old enough to take care of myself ?"
"Darling, when it's time you'll know. It's for your safety"
"What kind of safety are you talking about? when my mates are out there walking alone, playing with friends. Tell me mom those children out there, they don't need safety as well right ?"
"You are different from them Delphine. You are not the same with them"
"But..." I was cut off by my mom.
"Let's keep going so we can make it home early"
That's what my mom would always say and it's getting me pissed off. It's making me feel like my mom is hiding something from me and not telling me something about my dreams. But it can't be that mother is hiding something from me, she has always been kind and loving to me, she always tries her best to make me happy and never to make me angry or mad. And I love her for that.
We got home and mom made dinner and I helped her with some kitchen activities. We had our dinner and I helped mom do the dishes and then I went to bed. At midnight, I had the same dream but this time it was different. I saw myself using water and ice magic, while I was fighting someone at my back was about stabbing me with a sword, when I shouted and woke up.
" Delphine, what's wrong!"
"Nevermind mom" I said as I lay back on the bed.
"Delphine dear, you know you can tell me anything"
"Mom! I already said 'nevermind' you'll tell me the same thing, so there is no reason telling you".
"You had the same dream?"
"Yes mom" I said as I sat up "and this time I was using magics"
"Darling, it's just a dream. Like I said magic does not exist and nothing more"
"I knew that was what you will tell me, and that was why I said''nevermind''
"It's okay baby girl, just sleep and forget about it, okay?"
" Okay mom" I said 'okay' even if I knew everything wasn't okay.
           (Anastasia's POV)
I knew I'm being a liar to my daughter, but I'm doing all of these to protect her from the evil eyes of her father. I don't want her to get involved in the dark side, not just her father but others too. She's the only one I got and I can't afford to lose her.
    I knew magic do exist, and Delphine must surely possess at least four powers and it would be a very powerful and mighty one, because her father is the king of the devil, he is called the dark devil. If they ever finds out Delphine got magical powers, I'm afraid they might come looking for her to make her one of them. They can get her because, the magic users of Magvil can sense their fellow magic users, not just them but other evil eyes and because she has high magic aptitude.
     I would love to tell Delphine about where she is from, her father, her family, who she truly is. Infact every thing about her background. But I don't want to hurt her feelings to know that her father is the king of the devil in Magvil know as the land of the devils.
     I was one of the king's concubine, he raped me because of my beauty, everyone in White Bridge are. He got me pregnant and I was afraid to tell him I was carrying his child because of the Queen. She might kill me and my baby the same way she does to the others.
     This was because the king was looking for a male children, but if only he could even see one male child, then he would be the most happiest man on in the world. But all he could get was female children, both from his wife and concubine. For this reason, he had 10 children in addition to my child 11 and they are all alive till now.
     I was the youngest concubine of the king so as Delphine is the youngest child among all. I was the most cherished and and loved one out of all the king's concubine even his wife. And that was what spear me when I was pregnant and when I have birth. Though they tried killing me but failed. All his children were older than mine with at least 1 to 3 years, but his concubines children were months older than each other, some were days older than each other. While some are born on the same day but different hours or minutes. I was among his eight concubine in addition with his wife nine. All his children possesses magical powers and they all knew about it. And this brought disaster in the palace. The fight was between the queen and the concubine of which child to become the heiress to the throne, since the king had no male child. The queen was fighting for her first children, the first was four years, the second was three, and the third was two. The fight began when the king was away for a while. Though I wasn't in the fight, because I was after my daughter's safety. They fought for over two days before the king came back and they were all punished except me. And that brought more jealousy and hatred I'm the palace, as they tried killing my child and I, as Delphine was the only different child of all, with her long silver hair, fair skin and her skyblue eyes.

   I left the country because of the war between Magvil and Phirea. The war was against the two king of both kingdom fighting for power and which kingdom is most likely to be very powerful and magical. It was so dreadful and mighty that I have to escape from the land with my daughter to White Bridge, where I'm from.
     There was lots of lost souls both the guilty and innocent lives were taken from both side, to the extend Delphine's father killed George's only son. This made George hate Delphine's dad (Greg) that he wants to revenge and that was another reason I left so it won't be my child. It's no doubt that Greg was a very powerful and mighty man of Magvil and in the world, who is been scared by everyone. I've not seen anyone who can beat him. But George is his competitor. I call Greg the mighty man of war, he fears nothing, not even death, he is a very strong man who possesses high magical skill and also good in swordmanship. Even if Warlington is a land of no magic but swordmanship, he is still good. 
     Greg was the one who attract the war because he wanted the whole kingdom to be in his hands. He wanted to be the one to rule the whole kingdom as he is the most powerful man, so it calls for war. Delphine can actually beat her dad, no I'm just kidding. The war was mostly against Phirea known as the Lake of the Devil. It was a catastrophe between the countries, though no one in the royal family was dead, I mean Greg's family. The death of King George's got him really mad because he was suppose to be the heir to his throne and that's another reason I'm keeping Delphine away from the world. But I know it won't last for long. 
    I wonder why Delphine doesn't have any connections with any animals. She's supposed to have animals as a princess I'm the royal family. Her father has a wolf and eagle, while some of his knight that possess strong magic

The Bond; The Vision حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن