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I woke up to a cool hand on my forehead, and Zane looking anxiously down at me. "Hi," I said, in a daze, gazing at him with a stupid grin on my stupid face.

"Hello," he replied. "Do you feel very faint or light-headed?"

"Uhh," I thought for a moment. "A little. But I'm fine."

He nodded, seemingly ignoring me. "What is your name?"


"What is your favorite color, Anna?"

"Blue. Look, I'm fine." I tried to sit up but he put a gentle hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"You had just passed out, and certain precautions must be taken to ensure that no further physical damage ensues."

"Well thanks, but no thanks. I'm good now."

He shook his head. "Do you faint often?"

I would have been annoyed if it was about anyone else, but it was Zane, and my heart melted. "Not often, but I have."

"And do you have any pets?"

"No. Why are you here?" I was more curious than annoyed.

"We... do not know. Our apologies. Did we frighten you?"

"Yes- I mean, no," I sighed and looked at them, all staring down at me. They're all so beautiful. "Am I having a dream?" I looked into his eyes as I ask him.

"No," he shook his head puzzledly.

"Hehe..." I started to sweat. "There's no way this is real."

"We are real, if that is what you mean," he said. "What do you mean?"

"You guys are..." my voice trailed off, "all I've ever wanted," I whispered so they can't hear.

"Huh?" Kai said.

"I'm a big fan."

"Of course," he rolled his eyes.

I was confused by his reaction. "What?"

"Oh, nothing, it just seems like everyone we meet is... crazy about us," Kai sighed.

"Well trust me, most people around here are not," I said. "Not in a bad way. Anyway I promise I won't be annoying. Well, try not to be," I grinned again.

"Well, you can't be much more annoying than me. Hahaha," Jay said.

"You're not that annoying," Cole mumbled to Jay. Did he mean I was more annoying?

"No, he's definitely that annoying," Kai said.

"So... how did you all get here?" I asked.

"That's what we're wondering," Cole said.

"Nope, we just poofed and were here," Jay says. "Well, we were sleeping, then we just woke up- yeah. Wait, are we in a dream?" he turns to the others.

"No," Zane shakes his head. "That would be impossible."

"We already covered this," Kai glared at Jay.

"I wasn't sleeping," Cole stated. "I was there one second, and the next I was here."

"Well we're very sorry, we did not at all mean to intrude," Zane apologized.

"It's totally fine," I say, casually shooing my hand at them.

"Where are we exactly?" Zane asked, helping me stand up and putting his arm around my back to support me.

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