Chapter 18: Espionage

Start from the beginning

"Oh Em, turn for me."

Rebekah saw the strings pulled taut, more so than necessary. Her hands moved to the bottom, deftly untying the clinched knot. As the strings loosened, Rebekah could see Emilina's body exhale a sigh of relief. She fastened the strings back, tying them tight, but not as tense as before.

"Thank you Rebekah," Emilina said gratefully. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"You would suffocate."


Emilina stood in front of her mirror, smoothing down the nonexistent lumps in her dress, the same dress that felt ill fitting on her body. The corset of the dress was too loose, which made the bodice scratch in the wrong places when she moved.

She couldn't pull the strings quite right, and her options were nonexistent, as she wanted to keep her dress a secret from her husband until the last minute.

"Damnit," she muttered softly, trying to fight off the tears as she tried again to pull the corset tight. "It's not working."

She crossed her arms over her chest, moving her top uncomfortably.

"Emilina, are you ready?"

Emilina turned to the door of her dressing room when she heard Klaus's voice. Her initial excitement at showing her dress deflated slightly as she realized she would need his help to fix it. She just wanted to open the door all ready to go and enjoy the way his jaw would drop when he saw her in one of his favorite dresses.

"Not quite, can you come help me with this dress?"

Klaus opened the door and stepped into the room. Emilina paused when she saw him through her mirror stop dead in his tracks behind her. His jaw dropped open unflatteringly, and he immediately tried to collect himself.

"You look-"

"-close you'll mouth Nik, or you'll catch flies," she teased, cutting off his rambling.

"You look, oh wow love, you look stunning. My enchanting woman," he praised, stepping closer.

"I'm glad you approve. Now come over here and help me tighten this."

"I'd rather loosen it and see it on the floor," he smirked, reaching for the strings of her dress.

"Contain yourself, husband," she said, her spirits sky high at Klaus's reaction.

Klaus let out a soft groan as he finished tying her dress in place. He leaned his head down on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her midsection and pulling her closer to his front.

"Please?" he whimpered, trying to soften her up with kisses to her neck.

"No, now pull yourself together. We have a ball to attend."

"We can skip."

"Absolutely not. It is unfathomable for the hosts to skip their own gathering."

"I'm sure people will understand."

"You are ridiculous. Now, let's go."

"Can I have one kiss before we go?"

"No! You've tricked me with that move before. I won't let you do it again."

"Please? Just one."

"You are so needy."

"Only for you."

"Flattery is not going to get you anywhere, Nik," Emilina said, taking his wrist in her hand and pulling him toward the door. Before they crossed the doorframe, Emilina paused and twirled Klaus to face her.

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