7 - Betrayal

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Y/n's POV

Mal opened the door to Evie's castle and walking up the stone path was the boys with Ben in tow. She ran up to Ben to engulf him in a hug, Uma pulled Harry and Gil into a similar embrace, and once I caught eyes with Jay, I also quickly found myself in his arms, happy to be reunited with him again. One hand found its way around my waist and the other was gently stroking the back of my head. "Are you alright?" He whispered in our close quarters, to which I nodded. I pulled away to smile up at him, which he returned. I pulled away when Carlos came into my view over his shoulder. I pulled him into a hug as well.

"I knew you'd be part of the solution," I overheard Ben say. I looked up and saw he had directed that comment towards Uma, who was now smiling. Mal took a short moment to admire the new beard Ben was adorning on his face, which I giggled at and gave Jay a look that said "what happened there?" to which he gave one back that said "I'll explain later."

"Okay, so we all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage. We have no idea where it is. Did she ever take you there?" Mal asked, becoming serious once again. I was stood between Jay and Celia as we all awaited his response.

"Every Fairy Godmother's Day," he responded. "Where is Fairy Godmother when you need her?" He asked rhetorically, gazing off absentmindedly.

I quickly looked with sympathy over to Jane, who had found her place next to Carlos. "I wish I knew," she responded to Ben's question.

"Doug, you go with Jane and find Fairy Godmother," Ben told Doug. Uma walked up behind Ben, placing a hand on his shoulder. "They might need some muscle," she suggested, subtly pointing out Doug's physique. I stifled a laugh, which made Jay beside me stifle one of his own. I covered it up.

"Hey," Doug rebutted, sounding offended. "Well, I'll go," Gil offered. In all honesty, it made me feel better about their safety knowing someone more... physically capable was accompanying Jane.

"Yeah, actually I would feel better," Carlos agreed with my thoughts. Evie stepped forward, "Actually, I would feel better too," she said. "Same," Mal piped up as well.

Doug looked around and sighed. "Actually, I would too."

I snorted a quiet laugh, and Jay poked my side with his elbow. I gave him a glare but quickly looked away. Gil roped his arm around Doug's shoulder and pulled him into a side hug. "All right, man, let's do it! Let's go, Jane," he said. The three of them grouped up and walked off.

We all together then decided to head back inside and wait for nighttime to head to Fairy Cottage.


Ben, Mal, Evie, and Jay ran up ahead and tucked behind a tree for cover. The rest of us, Carlos, Uma, Harry, Celia, and I were following slightly behind to wait for the "all clear." Ben peaked around the tree trunk and then turned back and waved us forward. We all slowly followed behind, hiding behind trees and bushes until we got to the front door.

Mal and Ben ran forward, checking the gate to see if it was unlocked. When they found it was, the rest of us creeped our way up behind them. Ben headed towards the front door, throwing it open to find that there seemed to be no one inside. The cottage was completely empty. Jay and I headed upstairs together to clear it.

Satisfied that there was no one up there, we both headed back down to inform the others.

All of a sudden, we heard frantic knocking coming from somewhere in the house. Behind Ben, there was a pantry door that was shaking. He slowly walked over, looking through the tiny window. Mal held her hand out in front of us to keep us back.

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