3 - The Queen of Mean

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Y/n's POV

Mal and Ben were in an important meeting with Adam, Belle, and FG about the Hades incident and I was in Jay and Carlos' room lying down with Jay in his bed. He was worried about what had happened back at the Isle, so he wanted to make sure I was safe and okay, which I didn't mind. I am currently incredibly shaken up.

"Hey," I heard Jay speak up, his arm was wrapped around my shoulder and I was cuddled up to his side. Looking up at him, I hummed in response.

"Yes, love?"

Jay smiled. We adored our names for each other, not wanting to be cheesy and cringe by using "babe," "love" felt more personal. "Are you alright?"

I took a shaky deep breath. "Yeah... just shaken up. I was so scared when Hades hit you and the guys with his ember. Just thinking about what it did to Mal, I'm concerned. Are you sure you're okay?" I asked back.

Jay pulled me closer to him, and I laid my head back down on his chest. He began to rub comforting circles on my back. "I'm fine. He didn't hit us as badly as Mal. I'm worried about her, and you."

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm right here, and I'm safe," I told him.

I felt him release a breath I didn't know he was holding. "Yeah, you're safe," he repeated to himself. He leaned his head down and placed a light kiss on top of my head, making me smile. "Is Mal almost done with her meeting?" he asked.

"Not sure, she said she'd let E and I know so we could meet at Evie's castle."

Jay hummed in response.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.

"Y/n?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I responded, not moving from my comfortable position.

"Have you ever thought about getting married in the future?"

I paused, before sitting up in his bed. "What?" I asked, not sure if I heard him correctly.

This caused Jay to sit up as well. He grabbed one of my hands in his as he continued. "I mean, with Ben and Mal getting engaged, it's just got me thinking down that road. I don't want to rush anything if you aren't ready, but I wanted to know your thoughts?"

I was stunned for a moment before I could respond. "Jay, I- yes, the thought has also crossed my mind with M's engagement. Am I ready to seriously think about that sort of thing right now? No, not really," I told him truthfully. I looked down at my hands, not sure if that was what he wanted to hear.

"And that is completely fine." He assured me. "I was just curious, we don't need to get more serious than you're ready for."

I smiled at his consideration. "Thanks, Jay. But yeah, I'd love to talk to you about that sort of thing when I'm ready."

"And I'll be here waiting for you when you are," he said, leaning closer to connect our lips together for a kiss. As we started to deepen the kiss, I heard my phone go off in my bag that was on the table in the center of the room. After ignoring the first ding to continue kissing my boyfriend, another ding came from my phone.

Jay chuckled and pulled back slightly. "Do you need to get that?" he asked. I continued to kiss him, not wanting to leave. "Mmm-mm" I mumbled a "no" into our kiss.

A moment passes and my phone goes off again. Dropping my head, I sigh. "I guess so," I said, standing up to see who was bothering me right now. Opening my texts, I saw it was Mal, telling Evie and me to meet her at E's castle because her meeting was done.

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