I grimace as pain overtakes my head. My hand reaches up to touch the part where my head hurts only to hiss in pain. I bring my hand down and look at it. Even though I can't see straight, I know it came back red.

My legs aren't working, my vision is fuzzy. I can't think properly. My head whips around trying to find someone in this haze.

I can't see.

My breathing starts to become labored.

I can't see.

I try to inhale a breath through my nose, and out through my mouth to calm my nerves, but it doesn't work. I'm injured.

I don't know if the others are okay. I really hope they are. I'm not in the right mindset to get us out of this one. Suddenly I hear a sharp ringing, making me hold my head in agony. I feel a hand grab my shoulder, making me look up.

The figure above me has rough skin. The hand digs more into my shoulder. I gasp when I realize what's above me. I try to back away from the chomping teeth of the undead.

A thwack sounded followed by the thud of the undead. Someone comes running towards me, making me crawl back. Two soft hands grab my face. I flinch away.

"Bella, it's me." The familiar Mexican accent puts relief through my veins. He grabs my face again, turning it to the side. I see his dark eyes slightly widen. "Can you hear me?" His voice sounds miles away. Like I'm going deeper, and deeper underwater. I slightly close my eyes. Miguel's soft hands turn a little rougher in panic. "No, Bella stay awake. Keep your eyes on me." I slowly open my eyes, my head nodding. The world started to spin.

My vision is still blurry. My hearing is getting significantly worse. Miguel grabs me by the arm, helping me get up. He stands me up and takes a step back, only for me to start falling, Miguel swiftly catches me and throws my arm around his shoulder.

We start walking only for my feet to start to drag. My head starts to nod as the world starts to spin faster, and faster. My eyes drift close once again. I start to fall, making Miguel catch me. "Bella!" Miguel's voice sounds panicked and desperate. I try to respond but no words form on my lips. Before I could comprehend anything my mind went dark.

I woke up really disoriented. Right as I woke up i fly up into a sitting position. I search my surroundings trying to find one of my weapons. Someone comes into my foggy view. "Hey, Bel." I flinch away from the voice, still trying to find my weapons, only to come empty handed. "Bella!" The urgency of the voice snapped me out of my panic.

I freeze my movements. I look forward and once my vision cleared I recognized who was in front of me. "Cora?" My eyebrows frown in confusion. Cora puts a wet cloth on the side of my head, making me hiss in pain. "What happened?" I question in confusion. I wince when Cora retracts her hand.

"When the explosion hit, you got a head wound that knocked you out." Cora gives me a small smile. My eyes shot up in panic. Images of what happened finally fill my brain. A big boom, so much smoke, so much panic.

What happened to the others?

Are they okay?

"Before you ask, everyone is fine. You're the only one that got majorly affected." I sigh in relief. My eyes drift close as I calmly breath through my nose and out my mouth.

My eyes slowly reopen. "Where's Miguel?" I ask, remembering he's the one that picked me up after I passed out. Cora slightly moves out of the way pointing behind her. I glance past her shoulder to see Miguel taking care of Lilley. "What happened to her?"

Cora sighs. "Because of the smoke her asthma started acting up. She had an asthma attack." My eyebrows frown, causing a crease to form on my forehead.

The end of the worldWhere stories live. Discover now