Chapter 4, Josh

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Everything happened so fast that I could not understand what happened. Krish and Neil followed Kiara immediately after she rushed away. Why did she shout at the bartender? I hope she is okay. She didn't seem upset then what made her angry so suddenly.

"Come on Josh we should head towards the car. It's embarrassing. Let's leave" said Lara.

"She is right." added Akash.

The music resumed.

"But Kiara, is she okay?" I asked

"Don't worry I'll stay bring her with Krish and Neil" said Raghav.

I really didn't want to leave. But I had no option, what would have I done staying back. It's not like I could have helped her or something, I don't know anything about her, and I barely fucking talked to her. What is wrong with me?

Three of us left.

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"Hi Krish, When did you guys get back yesterday" I asked him.

All of them except Kiara were sitting in the kitchen having coffee. I join them and pour myself some coffee too.

"It was midnight I guess" answered Krish.

The mood was not as fun as I saw yesterday. They were all in deep thoughts.

"Is she having one of those epis-"

"Hey guys" Neil was interrupted by Kiara.

"I'm really sorry about last night guys. I had a bit too much yesterday. Just wanna say just forget about it, ok! It's my farewell trip let's just enjoy it."

I was going to ask her how she was but was interrupted by Lara.

"Yeah see, she's ok. I don't think we should cancel our plans today"

"Lara, can you please stop. We cannot go out like this" said Neil.

"No Neil. Honestly. I think we should go out and not cancel our plans. I'm fine. Trust me. I'm fine" Kiara said "and I promise not to drink on this entire trip"

"You sure?" asked Neil.

"Hundred percent" answered Kiara.

Everybody shouted and Kiara laughed. I smiled at her and she awkwardly looked away.

"Josh I think it's your phone" said Akash.

"Oh yes! It's my Dad. I'll just come"

"Yes, Dad!" I went out into the corridor.

" You're in India. Why didn't you call me before coming? And what about your college?" Dad said abruptly.

"I called your P.A a month ago remember. Well I never really get the chance to talk to my own dad, do I?"

"What about your college? Why are you missing your classes? Don't you get it how important this is for you." he said angrily.

Anger rushed inside.

"Well if you cared a little dad, you would know I'm having my holidays. But you don't. All you care about is this stupid course."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that? You know how important this business course is for you, for me and my business."

"Everything, Dad everything is always about you or your business. What about me. Do you even care about me? I came all this way just to meet you and you left without letting me know. Dad I'm your son."

"Josh, stop. Go back to London right now, or else"

"Or else what you'll leave me like you left Mom."

He hung up. I could still feel my hand shaking. My breathe was heavy; I was walking right to left shaking my head, angry tears almost coming out of my eyes.


Kiara's voice called my name.

"Yes, Yes" I snap out of it while breathing heavily.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok" she nodded awkwardly. "Just wanted to inform you that you are going join us too, okay."

"Are you sure about that?"

I really have a feeling that Kiara does not like my presence there. So maybe I should really find a hotel now and book a flight.

"Of course. We live in an hour so get ready accordingly" she said with an actual smile this time and not the awkward ones she was giving me ever since I arrived.

This small gesture just changed everything. I think I'm going to stay.

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