Chapter 2, Josh

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I stare at the text realising it is the fifth hotel I have been rejected from. I raise my arm again trying to hitchhike to any nearby motel. Yet again, this one skipped past me too. It is becoming really difficult to stand alone at a bus stop in nowhere with three huge bags. Not a single vehicle is helping. I think it was just foolish of me to stay here and wanting to explore India. No actually it's not even my fault. Dad should've informed me beforehand that he'll be out of India for the weekend so I wouldn't have travelled all the way here .

"Hey wanna ride man!" said a voice

I was so busy with my phone that I did not even notice that a car has just stopped in front of me.

"Hey, yes yes that would be of great help" I said.

"Come on in then" said one of the boys.

They immediately open the back of their car so that I can keep my bags in there. I noticed there were four boys around my age and a girl.

"I'm Josh by the way, Josh Andrews Kapoor, thank you for offering me ride" I introduced myself as I made my way into the car.

"Brother, what's with the formalities; just tell us where to drop you; I'm Krish by the way" said the boy in the driving seat.

Followed by Krish all of them introduced themselves as Akash, Raghav, Neil and Lara.

"So where you headed to?" said Neil

"I'm not sure actually; I've looked for a room in five hotels already but none of them have any vacancy" I answered.

"Well it's obvious, isn't it? It's the season of the year when tourists fill up the entire Manali" added Raghav oh wait or was it Akash, either of them.

"He could stay with us then, we are staying in a mansion, and I'm pretty sure we have at least one extra room for him." said Lara.

"Yeah, he definitely can and we have an extra room, Ajay cancelled last minute remember! Good suggestion Lara" said Neil.

"I know right, Lara is the smartest; always provides the right suggestions" added Akash instantly.

I was a bit taken aback by all of this. I mean I am a stranger to them after all. Offering me to stay with them after knowing me for what five minutes is a bit too much. But I guess we are all kids and that's what we do take haphazard decisions.

"That'd be great! I don't even know how to thank you guys. I'm just so touc.."

"Touched" I was interrupted by Krish "we know dude; and we could really use a new friend in our trip"

"What brought you Manali anyways?" asked Raghav

"Oh! I actually came here to visit my dad; but turns out he left for a meeting out of India without even informing me. So decided why leave, let's just explore Manali" I answered.

"That's great and quite brave of you. But now you do not have to explore the place alone, we can all do it together, right!" added Lara

"Thank you, Lara" I said.

"Oh god, my name sounds so good in your accent" she giggled.

"Dude stop with your cringe stuffs" said Krish and I laughed.

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"Here let me help you with that" said Neil while trying to pull out my bag from the back of their car.

"Welcome to our dream mansion" said Akash

"It belongs to one of our uncles" said Raghav

"Kiara" shouted Krish "here she is the pig sleeper of the group"

THE MOON IS OUR SUNTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang