Chapter 3, Kiara

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"Uff! That was something" said Josh as we were drying ourselves up.

I could not help but notice how glorious his body muscles look, water droplets on his body glowing in the sun. His wet brown hair, messy yet so perfect. I wonder...

I snapped out of it when a strong hand landed on my back.

What the hell was I thinking? Drooling over a guy this beautiful. Shut up mind, shut up mind, I'm a pretty ugly thing, oh god stop my mind, forget that there is a guy other than the boys.

"Oh god Krish, I'm still wet, its hurts"

"Oh I'm sorry. But what made you wet though" said Krish.

Everybody starts laughing.

"Haha, great joke Krish" I said sarcastically "Anyways where do you guys wanna go for lunch, because you all are definitely not having what I cooked"

"You got that right Kiara, you need to understand you cook horribly" Neil spoke up.

"Says the one who cannot even boil water" I said when I suddenly lost control and almost tripped over my heels.

"Are you okay?" asked Raghav "you are literally tripping while standing"

" I'm fine really" I said while making my way into the house twisting and turning my legs a little.

"I don't think she is okay" I could hear Neil saying behind me.

"I think she is drunk" said Lara.

"She is not or is she" replied Krish.

"I can still hear you guys, so shut up and dry up" I answered from inside the house.

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"How could you spill soup while literally tasting? Just look at your palm, it's still red" said Krish.

"I I don don't know ow, it jus just happened happened okayyy" I said while we all walked to our car from the restaurant.

"Kiara? Why are you slurring?" asked Neil.

"Noo, I I'm not not"

"Yes, you definitely are" said Akash

"No No" and I bumped into Josh losing my balance.

"Oh my god, oh my god. I'm so sorry Josh. I didn't mean to, I lost balance, oh god sorry" I blabbered.

Oh god why do I have to bump into him? He must be thinking I'm such a mess. God it would have been so much less awkward if Josh wasn't here.

"Honestly it's okay, stop apologising so much" Josh answered.

"Are you drunk Kiara?" asked Raghav.

"Ummm, YES. But it was an accident trust me."

"When did you? I thought we were going clubbing tonight and were supposed to get drunk together" answered Krish.

"God I know. I just accidently dropped an entire bottle of whiskey in my cocktail and I had to taste my own drink. Sooo"

"So?" Krish asked.

"So I had a couple of cups"

"What! Kiara look at you. You are drunk and you drove us here? You gotta be shitting" said Lara.

"I know I'm sorry. It's just that I thought I planned everything and if I'm drunk everything will be ruined and so I tried to act normal and drove us here and didn't tell you guys anything."

Why do I always embarrass myself? And why does it always bother me so much what others think? Okay shut up.

"Honestly" said Krish. "I'll drive pass me the keys"

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