The girl's ever-working mind began to work at full speed.  Her thoughts wandered in a direction that Ladybug didn't want to delve into.

What if Myst's armor is made of some titanium material that weighs several tons?  What if I break her arm and they both fall to their deaths?

~ Focus Marinette!  Tikki's voice called out.

Bringing her mind back to maximum focus, she extended one arm towards the falling Myst and with the other she swung her Yo-Yo, which caught on one of the many balconies.

- I hope you're not heavy.

With a final prayer to God to protect her poor limb, she grabbed Myst's hand.  The limp body wasn't heavy, but the speed with which it fell caused a stabbing pain in his right shoulder.  Ignoring the stinging pain, she tugged on the Jo-Yo's string with her other hand.  The taut rope turned the fall into a gentle descent.

When Ladybug felt the ground under her feet, she breathed a sigh of relief.  As gently as she could, she placed Myst's limp body on the ground.  It didn't take long for the paramedics to begin taking action. The girl's eyes began to flutter slightly until her eyelids slowly opened.  In her semi-conscious state, she looked around at her surroundings.  One of the doctors tried to shine a flashlight into her eyes to see if she had suffered a concussion.  The heroine moved the tool away from her face, whispering something about the failure of this test.

Before anyone could react, she rose to her feet and staggered away from the gathering.

- Where are you going?  - exclaimed one of the doctors.

"I have to help them," Myst replied.

After a few more steps, my legs gave out.  Only Kot's quick reaction prevented him from falling to the ground.

- You can barely walk, you won't help them in the fight.

- I can't go back to fighting, my energy is running out.

- So what do you want to do?

With the blonde's help, she shakily rose to a horizontal position.  Holding his bicep with one hand, she pointed to the ghosts with the other.

- Which one came first.  Which ghost is the original - the desperation was clearly heard in her voice.

The heroes of Paris exchanged glances.

- We don't know - Ladybug replied honestly - He disappeared from our sight when the third replay appeared.  We tried to find the original ourselves, but there were more and more of them every minute.

Myst, with the help of Cat Noir, was approaching the Louvre and stopped in front of Ladybug.  She summoned a bow in her free hand and pointed it towards her.  Sensing the upcoming question, she answered before the dark-haired woman could open her mouth.

- I'm too weak and my head hurts, and someone needs to chase the ghosts away from my team - she replied and pointed with an arc at the ghosts of the Ghostforce team escaping from the attacks - I saw what you can do with Jo-Jo, so I assume your aim is good.  Stun a few of the ghosts and Crash and Fury will take care of the rest.

Biting her lip slightly, she looked at her partner, who nodded.  She gently gripped the bow, the weight uncomfortable for her hands that had become accustomed to the lightness of her weapon.  She changed her grip several times, not knowing how to hold it properly.  She looked at Myst's half-closed eyes and felt a cramp in her lower stomach.  Myst, barely able to stand, hands the fate of her team into her hands.  What if he fails?  Will she miss and the ghosts will turn her team into more ghosts?  Or worse, will it hit Crush and Fury?  Everything can go wrong!

- I don't know how to hold a bow.  Never even...

- Before I became Myst, I never held any weapon in my hand, either of us - she interrupted.  She put her hand on Ladybug's shoulder, the grimace on her face showed that such a simple action caused her pain, and yet she still stood, continued to fight.  She knows why she is the leader - The bow is connected to my viewfinder, you aim, I will direct you, together we can do it.

Together.  It was strange to hear this from someone who had been pointing out all her mistakes less than an hour ago.  But despite previous adversities, they had to join forces.  For the greater good.

Steel returned to Ladybug's eyes, which immediately made Chat Noir sigh dreamily.  Violet eyes turned towards him, reminding him of the seriousness of the situation, there was no time for irrelevant romances when the well-being of Paris and its people was at stake.  The Kwami carrier of destruction quickly returned to his senses and quietly, almost inaudibly, apologized.

Myst took a crash course for the heroine in how to use weapons.  Even though the bow was not a gunpowder weapon, it still had quite a kick, thanks to the Boo Energy from which it was created, atom by atom.  The arrow appeared on a command that only Myst could give while drawing the string.  When the leader talked about the rules for controlling these weapons, the Black Cat in the meantime drove people away from the Louvre, with the help of policemen, the second evacuation was successful, and all the injured and unconscious people were taken by ambulance to hospitals.

Ladybug quickly learned the short lesson, she was almost sure she could handle it until Myst said she had two shots.  All self-confidence disappeared faster than Camembert from a plate (Cat Noir's stupid proverb was seared into Ladybug's memory).  She wasn't so confident anymore.

"I can't do it," she stammered and pushed the bow into the other girl's chest.

- Only you can do this - between fatigue and pain, on Myst's face you could see the anger that began to bubble in her aching body - I already told you that you can handle it...

Ladybug watched as Myst's eyes became brighter.  She turned her head upwards, where the battle continued, unwavering.  The moment of silence passed quickly.  Neon pink tears welled up in Myst's eyes.  She nodded gently, then quietly said, "Okay."

- They are already losing strength - she whispered - I am begging you, help me before my family dies.

Ladybug felt the pain in Myst's trembling voice.  This pain was not associated with any physical trauma, no, this pain had a mental-emotional basis.  She was aware that she was only minutes away from losing her team.  She couldn't allow it, she knew perfectly well what such pain does to a person.

Ladybug looked behind her and saw Cat checking to see if there were any civilians left in the square.  They were both of no use in battle, as Myst had said at the beginning of their meeting, they didn't know what they were doing.  But now she can help at least a little, she can become useful, she won't feel helpless watching others fight for her.  He will help them, even in a small and insignificant matter, just to support the other team at least slightly.

Determination sprouted in Biedronka's body again.  She pointed the sharp weapon at its owner so that she could cock the arrow.  She took the nocked arrow and raised it high into the sky.

- Guide Myst!

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