Two teams

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The inhabitants of Paris looked at the newly appeared figure with mixed feelings.  They weren't sure if these figures could be on their side, it could be another of Hawk Moth's many plans to lull everyone's vigilance and then inconspicuously strike a blow.  There were many such cases.  It's hard to trust now.  They are not always sure whether Ladybug and Chat Noir are actually them and not just another Akuma.  Caution is now second nature to residents.

For now, the most important thing is that the ghosts are not attacking them yet, they are too busy catching the three heroes.

Despite the insistence of the heroes of Paris, no one tried to escape.  Everyone stood and watched the battle unfold.  Even the saviors themselves stood and watched the strangers' progress.  The old fear was gone and replaced by fascination.  Why not?  Flying heroes with powers?  This is a description of heroes known to everyone in this world.  There are two people who will disagree with this fascination.  These people stand at the very beginning of the group and look at them.  The folded arms, stiff postures and grimaces on their faces indicated anger, perhaps even disgust.

- What now?

Ladybug looked her partner up and down before rolling her eyes.

- How many times are you going to ask me this question?

- Until you figure out what to do.

- And you can't move your brain?

A pink light flashed high in the sky, drawing everyone's attention.  A moment later, a pink figure began to fall from the sky, approaching the ground dangerously quickly.  Between the sounds of moans and screams from the battle, a cry could be heard as bright as the sun -MYST!-

An act of desperation was visible, the rest of the team members gave up the will to continue fighting and rushed to help the falling hero.  Two traces of color in the sky were quickly approaching the leader.

Ladybug heard sighs of relief behind her as the threat to Myst's life was neutralized.  But as always happens in life, the joy did not last long.  Just as Crush was millimeters away from catching Myst, tentacles appeared from all sides and blocked the path of both heroes.  Ladybug saw attempts to avoid the apparitions, but unfortunately they did not give up.  They did not allow both heroes to go to help the falling girl.

They didn't attack.  Ladybug realized that the apparitions were only blocking their way.  They had fun with them.  These monsters took joy in torment.  They wanted Ghostforce and everyone around them to see one of them die.

Bile rose in Ladybug's throat.  In her mind's eye, she saw Myst falling to the ground, turning into a red blur.

She couldn't let that happen!

She unhooked the Jo-Jo from her hips, setting them in motion.  In record time it turned into a red and black streak.

- Chat Noir escape!  - she exclaimed and ran forward at full speed.

Having been partners for so long, their minds were almost on the same wavelength.  One sentence and Chat Noir knew what his Lady was planning.  Detaching the cane from his back, he landed on it, landing a few meters from Ladybug's current position, and took a half-kneeling position with his fingers together, thus creating a boat.  After connecting Ladybug's foot with Cat's hands, the blonde threw the heroine high into the air with all his strength.

Despite the noise of the wind, she could clearly hear the cheers coming from below and the wailing from above.  Myst's unconscious body was approaching Ladybug, or maybe she was approaching the team leader, she wasn't sure.  Physics is not her strong suit.  However, she knew perfectly well that her Yo-Yo would not break under the weight of two people.

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