Chapter 3

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The lecture was boring.. atleast I'm happy that sir didn't make me introduce in front of the class. Mr Richard was old, half bald teacher who was very monologue. I was again happy that I'd Alice besides me to talk. He didn't seemed to mind. He just talked.

Behind us sat Mark and Nicholas and some others besides us. Ahead of us sat Priyasa, my new friend with Nath, her boyfriend. He also seems good.

The class soon got over with sir giving us assignment to "bond over and know each other". And guess who my partner was ? Mark  !!  Let's hope it will not be so bad as I hope. Mark gave a friendly smile, but Nikolas was grinning ear to ear. Alice got Torento. Tom Torento. She was super excited for some reason. Nikolas got Cypher. I was very happy. I smirked at him. Serves him right. He gave me a side glare, eyes narrowed, playfulness beneath it.

We were leaving classroom and went for another class. They all were talking and I was just listening. I think I don't like them much except for few such as James, Stanley and Agnus. I can tolerate Nicholas and Mark but not others .. they seems like they take pleasure in bullying others.

Soon, it was time for lunch. We all came and sat at an empty table. Some were sitting and chatting so I decided to go and get food.
Nik short for Nicholas, I decided that call him, followed us.Uhh, frustrating..

"So, just how do you think of this college till now ? Fabulous right ?" He asked.

"It's good. Till now."

"Good is an understatement. You don't know it much yet probably that why it's just good for you. I'll show you around the college and even help you make some friends. You clearly are introvert and  need help." He said with eyes filled with mischief.

"Nikolas, stop it. She's clearly a bitch who doesn't understand your kind nature. Let her be. Alice is there for her. Let them both mingle with themselves. Bitches." A bitch from the group earlier said sneering, cutting in between our conversation. I don't even remember her name for god's sake and  she's telling for me.
I waited for Nikolas to speak. He was just filling his plate.

"So now tell me Cell. I can call you Cell right ? It's nice. I love it." He said  easily smiling  ignoring the 'bitch'. She left us alone. One side of my mouth pulled up lightly. "What is your favourite food ?" He continued.

"Why do you think I'll answer you ?"

"Answering with a question. Intresting. But I know you will answer me. So tell me."

I glares at him, ignoring him.

How can a person smile that long. He smiling easily whenever talking with me !!

"Uhh comm'n princess. Atleast answer me. Ignoring is not good. Haven't your parents taught you that ?" He bickered back obiviously bored with my lack of response.

"Don't get parents in between us" I said sharply.

He made ohh sound and got his hands up in the form of surrendering. His face giving him away as it contained his teeth seeing smile.

"I'm seriously wondering how can you smile that long ?" I said honestly.

He laughed out loud at this. His hands touching his stomach amd him bending even. His dimples showing. Just this was what I needed !! Mind the sarcasm.

Our chance came. I walked ahead. Finally. I was very hungry. I'd not eaten breakfast today.

"One chocolate milkshake and white pasta." I said for me.

He still had big, no,  huge grin on his face, showing his pearly white teeths. God I'm wondering how does his cheeks doesn't hurt still !!?

He placed his order and we stepped aside by next counter waiting for our order.

He started blabbering out again and I answering with one or two remarks at him every now and then.  We got out order by now and were going to our table.

"Are you still hungry now ?" I asked him. He looks at me confused.

I just looked at him amd he continued with explanation.

"Have you seen me eating anything principessa ? I've not eaten anything so ya, ofc I'm hungry." He replies back.

I bit my lower lips to refrain from letting out my dislikes. He speaking that word, principessa of another language which means princess. I don't like it, hearing it from his mouth. Well, I loved the word, and still do, a huge grin would come on my lips whenever my dads or moms or even Kushal would call me that but I hate it from his lips.

"We'll, you certainly are eating my brain so I thought you would be full now. You clearly aren't. I think you have an appetite of an monster." I tell him raising one eyebrow when I finish secretly challenging him to bite back at me just so I'll put him at his place.

He just smirks and shakes his head making sound of ohh my.

"I'm really offended principesa. I thought I was your good friend. I'm hurt. You better make up for this." He said exaggerating.

I rolled my eyes at him while we reached the table others were sitting. I would say I like him. As a friend. He is great combo of my best peoples. My besties. We had clicked quite good I would say for first day. But it was really easy. Just as if bonding over an old friend meeting after long time.

We soon reached table and took our places.

I look over to the table. They are laughing from the interaction of  Mark and other boys who have joined them. Nikolas joined in. Girls are replying in between which is for flirting with other boys. I noticed now that some other boys and girls had also came over to our table.  They were laughing and puling each other's leg often. Then I realised, they had very nice bond.

I seemed to have got between a very large group unwantedly. Damn it, it was more than I bargained for. Especially if more than half people are like that bitch which came in between my conversation with Nik.

I was eating and chatting with Alce ( that's how I pronounce her - as elce ) amd her friends group I deemed good. She was giving me the gossips which I was giving half attention to but still would give necessary reactions whenever necessary.

I broke out of my trail of thought as Mark asks me a question, "Who do you think will win the award ?"

I blink twice and looked at him confused. He repeated his question for me.

"Who do you think is gonna win the "Best Company of the Year" award at Gales Award this year ?"

" Mac's Enterprises " I say immediately without much doubt eating french fries. Others had even brought their lunch and all were eating from one another.

Few makes disgusting faces.
I ignored those though I wonder why these faces.

I face Mark as he had asked me the question.

" I'll say nice choice but it's bad choice. It's going to be Maximilano Associates who is gonna win. "

I raised an eyebrow. Face blank.

And the wars begins ..


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