Part 10

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The door of the room opened, without any knocking maybe he didn't think he should not come to Pete's room!

Vegas looked around and was shocked, and at the same time, Pete's hand on his laptop keyboard became motionless, and then Vegas's phone beeped, so that both of them jumped.

_:Vegas, what are you doing here? You could have waited for me to come!

+It's as if he doesn't hear Pete's voice. He was staring around in shock!...

To the wall of Pete's room.
The whole wall was full of his own posters!

And in the library of the room instead of books there was a collection of all MIRACLE's albums from the beginning until now and all his solo albums and photobooks.

His photo in a wooden frame can be seen on the computer table, and the only decoration on the table was two wooden stands, one of which was engraved with MIRACLE and Vegas.

And the table next to the bed was full of magazines with his photo on the cover, and his photoshoots in them.

The wardrobe door was also open and it was full of men's shirts in different colors and plain and dark colored fabric pants.

Several pieces of single-breasted jackets and ties,all of which were clearly the official attire of the workplace.

Apart from them, he saw two t-shirts, one of which had the word Vegas Big Fan engraved on it, and the other had the MIRACLE logo on the front and Vegas's name on the back in thai.

And it was clear that these were the
t-shirts that Pete wore in fan meetings or MIRACLE concerts.

His mouth was half open in shock.

_:Why are you so surprised?

+Well, Vegas knew that Pete was his big fan, but that this room was like a temple to be worshiped in, was a new aspect of knowing Pete for Vegas,

and it was something that he didn't know about after all this time and that shocked him even more.

It's as if every single word of Pete's words was getting the color of truth for him.

:" I look at your magazine before going to sleep and admire you!

I worship you like a god!"

And the walls of the room showed how this boy's whole life is summed up in loving Vegas in being a big fan.

Until now, Pete had never asked Vegas to come to his room, whether he wanted it or not, until now,

and now that he had come, he didn't think that there was a forbidden place that Pete might not want him to enter or he should have asked for permission first.

Pete had officially given the whole house to him many times and left, and it didn't occur to Vegas that he shouldn't have entered here.

+His heart is pounding.
It's like he saw his crush where he didn't like to be seen and realized that that person has a crush on him .
He felt a strange ecstasy.
A vague feeling.
He came to himself with Pete's voice.

_:Vegas, what are you doing here?!

+He tried to control himself:" Oh, sorry. I didn't know you didn't like me to come inside."

_While his ears were extremely red and even his cheeks were a little red, and it was obvious that he was very embarrassed to be seen in his hiding place…

he said:" No. Umm… It's not a problem. I was just surprised,"

and then he said:" Wait, I was chatting with my friend.
I will say goodbye now and let's go."

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