I joined Scott. "Hey."

"Hey." He glanced at me. "You're not pissed we came uninvited, are you?"

I sighed. "You can come over whenever you want, Scott. You're my brother. I'm just worried you and Hunter will get into it again."

Stevie and Brownie were chasing Jason around. My tallest friend loved dogs. Scott smiled and looked down at the water. "So this is your house now too, huh?"

"I guess it is," I held onto the railing and leaned back, looking up at the sky. The blue was so startlingly beautiful.

Scott sighed and rubbed his face. His eyes looked suspiciously moist. I wrapped my arm around him and leaned my head against his shoulder. "You don't have to worry about me anymore, Scott. I'm fine."

"Yeah. I can see that," he said.

"You can move teams now if you want."

He frowned. "How did you know?"

He'd been offered a better contract elsewhere. I smiled and widened my eyes. "I know everything, Scott. You shouldn't be surprised by now."

"Hana told you, didn't she?"


He chuckled, shaking his head. "We'll see. I'm not sure about your boyfriend yet. But I can see he's been a good influence on you."

"How so?"

"You're more... you," he said. "You're more alive."

More alive. That was one way to put it, I guess.

"So when's the wedding?" Scott asked.

"What wedding?"

Scott's eyes widened. Panic filled his face. "Uh..."

I burst out laughing. "Oh my God, Scott! You can't keep a secret to save your life."

He winced. "Please don't tell him I told you. Just act surprised when he proposes."

I shook my head. "What? Did he ask for your blessing?"

He shrugged. I jabbed my elbow in his side. "Talk. You already spilled the beans."

He huffed. "Fine. He talked to Sam and Stefan a couple of days ago. That's why I came here today. I wanted to talk to him face to face."

Asking for my brothers' blessings. I smiled to myself. I was just glad that they were all getting along. Holidays would be nice if everyone got along.

"Alright, I won't tell Hunter you ruined his surprise."

Scott narrowed his eyes at me. "Why aren't you more pissed- wait, you knew about it, didn't you?"

I just grinned and kissed his cheek. "Let's go eat, dear brother."

Jason and Scott ended up staying the entire afternoon. We watched them drive away as the sun set. Stevie and Brownie sat next to us on the front porch, looking forlorn for their departure.

Scott's words echoed in my head. More alive.

"Thank you," I told Hunter, leaning against his side.

"What for?"

"For teaching me how to live."

He kissed my hair. "You taught me how to live ten years ago. I'm only returning the favor."

I looked up at him. The setting sun glinted off his hair and surrounded him with a halo of golden light. His eyes were molten honey. He looked so handsome it hurt. My heart squeezed and overflowed with emotions I couldn't hold back anymore. I didn't have to.

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