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Hi I am Divine  so please no hateful comment if you don't like the book then you can stop reading but I would really love everyone to tell me how they feel about the book
I need all your love thank you ❤️


I hummed "purpose" by justin bieber while my headset was on it took me a while before i could afford the headset and if my mom found out i will be skinned alive i stared at the mirror and my dull auburn eyes stared back at me i hissed and continued brushing my hair i felt a strong pull on my hair as the pain spread round my scalp i held my hair "ouch ouch " i turned around and came face to face with my mother
"mom" i whispered how the hell did she enter my room without me noticing oh yeah the headset wait fuck the headset i panicked i scanned the room and saw it beside my bed i felt releived but the burning sensation on my head told me other wise "you stupid child " i refused to meet her eyes "lilith didn't you hear me calling for you downstairs "no mom" at least that was the truth
"whatever get ready we leave in ten " her eyes scanned me and she scrunched her nose up in disgust i looked down at myself what i wore was a faded out jeans i mean really faded out and i had grown past jeans with a blue tank top " well it seems you are ready already grab your bag and get your ass downstairs" i nodded and she left
i slumped back on my chair feeling tears threaten to spill from my eyes and the day hasn't started i stood up straightened my shirt grabbed my bag and left
when i got to the living room i saw jack well he is my moms boyfriend and i loathe him all the injuries and scars were inflicted by no other person but him he smirked at me it was disgusting my mom was waiting for me at the door "why are you staring at jack like you want to murder him"
"oh i wish" i muttered "stop mumuring and get out of my sight " jack quacked me and went upstairs i sighed and followed my mom out of the house
we took the bus to where she worked she worked as a cleaner for a rich man never met them physically tho
we got to the big mansion and the security let us in after showing them our ID i entered the house and ran straight to the kitchen "goodmorning mrs mary " i pecked her on the cheek she is the cook " look who it is " she smiled at me the warmth and affection i see in her eyes i have never seen my mom look at me that way
"if it isn't my beautiful lil" she said i looked like her twelve year old daughter and we were the same age i smiled at her " come here lil i know you haven't eaten breakfast " she looked at me pitifully and i hated that look "no mary i have eaten " but my stomach made that weird noise and she laughed "well your stomach tells me otherwise "she dished some rice and sauce in a plate and gave it to me i thanked her and immediately started eating i missed breakfast but my mom didn't care well its normal
"lilith " i stopped chewing halfway oh shit its mom i started panicking when i felt those tender hands on my shoulder i looked at mary she smiled at me " it would be fine ' she mouthed
" oh mary " my mom greeted and her eyes fell on me "stand up lilith we need to work you didn't come here to stuff food in your mouth " she grabbed my arm and bore her nails into it i winced in pain
"come on jocelyn she would join you when she is done " she removed my moms hands away from my arm ' you look just like....." i knew what she was going to say so i joined "my twelve year old daughter " and i laughed my mom sighed " meet me upstairs " she turned around and left
' thank you mary but i need to go " i came down from the stool and hugged her i was already halfway when i turned "thanks for the meal your daughter must be so lucky mary "she gave me the toothy grin " you are always welcome"
i entered the room i was to meet my mom and she was cleaning i joined her silently and began dressing the bed i was lost in thought when i saw something shiny flash before my eyes "mom what are you doing '' i saw her holding a gold necklace "shush'' she quieted me down my eyes grew big when i realized what she was doing this wasn't the first time she always did but was lucky i got a bad feeling about today well i kept quiet about it
we were done for the day and i was running down the stairs to go tell mary bye when i crashed into someone i fell with a thud on the ground
" oh my God '' i heard the most annoying voice and it belonged to the butler "what have you done you little dimwit '' he shrieked i picked myself on the ground and looked at the lady before me
she was beautiful "she isnt a dimwit josh" she dragged me close to her and dismissed josh i stuck my tongue at him
"are you hurt dear'' i looked down "no ma" my mum mysteriously appeared before me and was apologizing i shut my eyes i didn't care i just wanted to go home
"lilith are you here" i opened my eyes and looked at the beautiful woman holding the necklace mom stole how the hell did it happen so fast i knew this wasn't going to end well but i was standing here so how come
"ma i swear it wasnt me'' mom was pleading with the lady "but it fell out of your bag and you claim you're not the one who placed it here if it wasn't you then who'' tears fell from my mom eyes i wanted to feel pity towards her but i couldn't she deserved it and i warned her but this job was our only income so i kinda felt bad i was looking at my mom and she looked at me they weren't real tears she smiled at me no that wasn't a good one shivers ran down my spine
"ma it was my daughter '' the next few minutes were hell i couldn't breathe she just blamed me i looked at mary and all i saw was disappointment my mom pulled my ears "didn't i tell you to place the necklace back in the drawer'' i was so confused and angry at the same time i removed her hand from my ears "you know i would never steal and i saw you put the necklace in your bag and told me to keep quiet '' i was about to continue when she slapped me tears flowed freely i couldn't hold them anymore mary pulled me close to her and shielded me from my bad mom "lilith doesnt tell lies and doesn't steal '' mary defended
"what did you just say mary are you calling me a thief'' mom dragged me out of mary arms "stay away from her you are the one spoiling her i don't want you near her"
"mom please mary didn't do anything wrong" i know it fell on deaf ears
she faced the lady "ma i am truly sorry for the mess my daughter created it would never happen again in fact i won't bring her here anymore i can see mary is a bad influence on her'' oh my God this means no more mary i cried harder and started begging "mom please i swear i didn't take the necklace and mary didn't do anything ''
'" i am going to hit you harder" she warned "enough" the lady walked towards me "don't cry my love'' she wiped my tears "everything is going to be fine i know you made a mistake but i would let this slide but from now on you should allow mommy to come to work alone understood" i quietly nod and ran to hug mary "i love you" i whispered to her "thank you very much for forgiving her ''
"lets go lilith'' she dragged me away from mary the ride back home was quiet i knew she was waiting for us to get home i was surely going to pay for talking back at her
"oh darling you are back ''jack opened the door and kissed mom she dropped her bag on the dead sofa "you are dead lilith" she smiled at me

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