''how do you know my name?'' he asked.

she rolled her eyes. ''we made out at the bonfire.''

''oh.'' he replied awkwardly. ''yeah, i remember you...''

''what's my name again?'' she asked with a smirk.

makayla was sure she liked ruby and, by this interaction, she was even more sure. the way she asked him so confidently and casually and the way his face dropped made the brunette laugh and ruby shot her a small smile.

''yeah, i don't know.'' chris admitted. ''but don't take it personally.''

''trust me, i don't.'' ruby answered before looking at makayla. ''he's a bad kisser.''

''what?!'' he exclaimed, his mouth dropping. ''lies!''

''not lies.'' she said childishly. ''i had to go and find a real man after kissing you.''

makayla burst into laughter, looking at chris. ''chris, you never told me you're a bad kisser.''

''i'm fucking not!'' he argued and then smiled lightly. ''wanna test it, makayla?''

''definietely not, loser.''

''that's too bad.''

''why did you even tap me?''

''oh, i wanted to ask if you're going to lacrosse tryouts later?'' 

''yeah, i am.''

''you do lacrosse?'' ruby asked.

makayla nodded. ''since high school.''

''so basically you're the hottest girl i've ever met.''

''i'd have to agree with...'' chris began and then sighed. ''i still don't know your name.''

she rolled her eyes. ''ruby.''

''with ruby. i agree with ruby.''

''well, you've changed your opinion. what happened to 'you're not important to me'?''

''not true. i always thought you were hot.'' he shrugged. ''anyway, you can become important to me.''

''i don't really want to.''

''we're walking to lacrosse tryouts together.''

''says who?''

''me.'' he said proudly. ''it makes sense, kayla.''

usually, she would correct him or yell at him for not using her proper name, but the fact he was using the nickname whilst sober made her hesitate, and she decided she would let it slide. chris was looking at her expectantly, and she nodded.


he was surprised at her willingness to walk with him, but he didn't show it. instead, he just smiled. ''cool.''

''now don't talk to me.'' she said with a small smile.

''okay.'' he said and then scoffed. ''oh, wait. kayla?''


''do you have a pen?''


thanks to ruby and her conversations, the classes went by quickly. the two girls exchanged socials, and then history was over. ruby said she'd see her later at the party, told chris she hoped he didn't show up (which earned her a 'fuck you') and then she left. makayla packed up her things and then stood impatiently waiting for chris.

''hurry up!''

''i'm packing my shit away!''

''what shit?! you didn't even bring a pen!''

he opened his mouth to answer, and then paused. ''good point.'' 

''you're an actual idiot.''

he frowned. ''you're lucky you're hot because your attitude is not.''

''oh good - chris sturniolo thinks i'm hot. my life is complete.'' she said sarcastically. ''just hurry up.''

''i'm ready!'' he said, opening his arms to show her.

she rolled her eyes, and the pair left the class. none of them really knew they were going since they hadn't been to the lacrosse field yet, but they just decided they would eventually find it. they walked for a few minutes in silence, and then chris looked at her.

''it's not true, you know.''

''what isn't?''

''that i'm a bad kisser.'' he said, dropping his mouth in offence when makayla groaned. ''ruby set me up, bro!''

''i honestly don't care! i'm never going to kiss you, so why would it bother me?!''

''never say never.''

''okay, justin bieber.''

he grinned. ''i'm going to kick your ass on that lacrosse field.''

''you wish.'' she scoffed.

''i was team captain.''

''so was i.''

''i'm better than you.''

''never in a million universes is that true.''

''yeah, well, we'll see.'' he mumbled.

''yes, we will.''

the two arrived at the lacrosse field where a bunch of freshmen were already waiting. matt was already there and he jogged over when he saw his brother and friend approaching. ryan and nick appeared a few minutes later, saying good luck to them all and then taking their seats on the bleachers.

''okay, everybody, line up!'' the coach yelled. ''now i know what most of you are thinking! if you were captain of your team at school, you'll make it onto this team, but you are WRONG!'' 

makayla caught chris' eye. he pointed at her and then brought his thumb across his neck, indicating that she was dead. she almost laughed but caught it, instead just shaking her head at him.

''college lacrosse is longer, harder and more intense!''

the brunette girl was still looking at chris as the coach spoke and, as those words came out of his mouth, chris smirked and winked at her. she was confused for a second before realising the words the coach had used and she scoffed in disgust, turning her back to him.

''you will play one game now and i will let you know if you've made the team at the end! i will split you into two teams, and we'll go from there!'' the coach explained. 

he numbered each person in line, splitting them all into two equal teams. she was glad when matt was put on her team, and even more glad when chris wasn't. she needed to show him how good she was at lacrosse and she was praying that she would be able to tackle the ball from him.

everybody got into position, and then the coach blew the whistle.

makayla was off across the field, running with her lacrosse stick dragging on the ground. somebody else managed to grab the ball and she ran with them. they were suddenly cornered by the other team and she caught it in her net. she looked around for somebody and saw matt standing a few metres away. she tossed it to him and cheered when he caught it and began running across the field.


the game was 4-3 with makayla's team winning. she didn't know what the coach thought, but she thought she had played a really good game. she had caught most being thrown to her, and she had scored a goal whilst matt had scored two. 

she had also noticed that chris had played a good game. as much as she didn't like him, she was actually glad about that. if her and matt got on the team, she wanted him to be there. 

''makayla!'' matt yelled.

she looked at him, already having her lacrosse stick ready - he threw the ball to her and she caught it, immediately beginning to run towards the goal. as she did, she noticed chris running towards her. she tried to maneuver around him but it didn't really work, and the next thing she knew, she was flat to the ground.

with chris sturniolo on top of her.


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