Bill and Dipper meet each other

Comenzar desde el principio

I nodded my head softly and the doctors start to wrap my arm up where the needle was and I changed back to my usual clothes. We start to walk and I put the journal back in my jacket. Mabel gave me my sword back as we walk.

I started to hold my sword in my hand. We made it back to the shack as I set my sword down. Mabel started to look at me to see my reaction as Soos tries to take my sword away from me but I snatched my sword very fast.

I put it next to me. "You're not a demon killer. I am." I said with no emotion. I glared at Soos. Soos put his hands up. I got up and started to walk. They moved out of the way and I walked upstairs. I sat down by the window I like to sit.

"Bill." I mumbled. 'PineTree!!' Bill shouted in horror and sadness. "Hm~" I whimpered in fear. 'I'm here to keep you safe my lovely, PineTree.' Bill said smiling happily. I smiled softly. "Bill~" I whimpered with a lot of sorrow.

I closed my eyes slowly and Mabel walked up the stairs slowly then walks to me. She hugs me gently. I leaned in her hold. I started to fall asleep slowly. Mabel put me on my bed and covered me up. I slept soundly with quietness.

I open my eyes slowly. "Good morning, Dip." Mabel said happily. "Hey." I said softly. "Want to eat Stancakes?" Mabel said smiling. "No, I'm not hungry." I said softly. "Are you sure?" Mabel said. "Yeah, I lost my appetite." I said.

"I can make you some omelet to eat if you want to try to eat the omelet." Mabel said. "I'll try to eat the omelet." I said. "Okay." Mabel said smiling. We walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. We both saw Stan cooking.

"Hey, kiddos! Want some Stancakes?" Stan said. "Yes please." Mabel said happily. "No thanks." I said nicely. "Okay." Stan said. Stan gave Mabel some Stancakes and she waits for them to cool. Mabel starts to make my omelet.

After she finished making my omelet, she gave me the plate of the omelet and we both starts to dig in. My head starts to hurt badly. I squint my eyes. I got up and chugged the bottle of water but my head still kept hurting very bad.

"Dipper, are you okay?" Mabel said. "My head hurts so bad." I said squinting my eyes tightly. "You should go rest, Dipper." Mabel said softly to me. "Okay." I said and walked away. "Hey, Dipper!" Wendy said very happily to see me.

I didn't respond then I fell down on the floor. "Dipper?!" Mabel shouted worriedly. I started to look at them weakly. It felt like my head was spinning so fast right now. "Dipper, can you see us?" Wendy said. I shook my head slowly.

"Blurry." I said weakly. "She said that her head hurts very bad." Mabel said to Wendy. Wendy nodded her head then I coughed and gag. I gagged up all of my omelet and liquid after I coughed softly. I started to sweat again.

I grip the stairwell very hard. "Ugh~" I groaned in pain. Mabel cleaned my face and I blacked out fast. Someone laid me on my bed and I turned to the side while I sleep in deep pain. I don't know what's wrong with me today.

As two months passed. I had stayed asleep. They started to get worried about me. "Ford, do you know what's going on with Dipper?" Stan said. "Dipper has been in a coma for the past two months." Ford said in a serious tone.

I started to turn to the side he is at and I start to open my eyes slowly. "Dipper." Mabel said happily. "Hey, Dipper. I'm Stanford Pines. Your great uncle as well." Ford said. I nodded my head slowly. I squint my eyes tightly with pain.

"I will get the medicine." Ford said and got up. I'm still dizzy. I sat up slowly and Ford came back. He gave me the medicine and then the water when I put the medicine in my mouth. I drank the water and the medicine went down.

"Thanks, I feel much better." I said very polite. "Your welcome, Dipper." Ford said rubbing my head gently. I smiled softly. I got up slowly and walked to my sword then grabbed it. Ford saw my sword and the journal fell to the floor hard.

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