Little Bit of Memories Returns

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~ Dipper's POV ~
"Cheer up, Grunkle Stan. Where's that smile?" Mabel said smiling. "Meh." Stan said sadly. "Beep, bop, boop." Mabel said happily as she pokes Stan's face. "Ow." Stan said and got up slow. "Don't worry, Grunkle Stan." Mabel said.

"I'll make you a new wax figure from all this old wax." Mabel said smiling. "You really think you could make one of these puppies?" Stan asked Mabel. "Grunkle Stan, I'm an arts and crafts master." Mabel said very happily of herself.

"Why do you think I always have this glue gun stuck to my arm?" Mabel asked him. "Ugh! Ugh!" Mabel grunts to get the glue gun off her sweater. "I like your gumption, kid." Stan said. "I don't know what the word means." She said.

"But thank you." Mabel said smiling. I started to walk away to get a soda and when I walked back Mabel jumps in front of me and I start to choke. She started to show me her arts and we saw Stan doing a pose. She talked to herself.

Stan started to do a re-grand opening of the wax museum. People started to get angry as they didn't get their free pizza. There has been a problem and we started to investigate who cut off Wax Stan's head as we both sat down.

Stan started to do his sad goodbye to his Wax Stan and Soos starts to talk back to the person that 'killed' Wax Stan. They both start to run away crying. "Wait a minute! What has holes in its shoes and no fingerprints?" I said confused.

"Mabel, the murderers are--" I got cut off. "Standing right behind you?" He said and they all started to come to life which shocked me. I started to call out their names and they told us they're cursed and bought at a garage sale.

They started to attack us and we both started to walk back as we started to throw things at them to stop them. Genghis Khan started to melt slowly. We started to have a fight with the wax figure. "Here goes nothing." Holmes said.

Mabel throws the fireplace poker to me fast as I slowly catch it carefully but I don't know how to use things as weapons. When he hit the sword on the poker that I'm using. I started to remember something what I think is important.

I slipped under Sherlock and kicked him hard. Mabel is shocked that I have reflexes. I started to use the weapon as a sword as Holmes lift his weapon off of my hand as I gasp. "Dipper!" Mabel shouted. A blue sword appeared fast.

I grabbed the sword and tried to cut him. A certain memory flashed back to my head. The sword was about to cut me but I blocked the sword by jumping to the wall. The sword hit the floor and I jumped off the wall then ran.

Holmes starts to run after me. I kept blocking the sword with the sword I'm using. The sword I'm using looks so familiar then I started to run to the window and open it. I climbed up with the sword to the rooftop. We started to battle.

Holmes knocks over the 'S' off the sign as it fell onto the rooftop. I kept the sword with me and I jumped on the sign. I slid down and hid behind the chimney. I looked to the right and left as I sighed. Holmes kicked me very hard as I fell.

"Any last words?" He said raising the sword. "Uh... do you have any sunscreen?" I said very nervous. "I-what?!" He said and dropped the sword while moving his head to look at the sunrise. "No." He said while he melts slowly.

"Wasn't a good idea to follow a kid out here if you are made of wax." I said smirking. "I was outsmarted by a child with long pants!! No!!" He shouted while melting. Holmes started to talk gibberish. "Case closed." I said happily.

I dusted my hands and the dust starts to float to my nose. "Achoo!" I sneezed. "Hahaha! You sneezed like a kitten. The police were right! You're adorable. Adorable!" Holmes shouted and splattered fast. "E-ew." I said grossed out.

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