Chapter 10: Threats that Remain Empty

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(Y/n)'s leg shook from all the anxiety in her body. She never thought she'd find herself in a store like this, she never really was the camping or hunting type. She felt so out of place, she kinda hated it. Eventually the burly man came back to the front counter with her id in hand.
"Yep, everything checks out maam. Got all the proper paperwork done, you're good to go!" He placed his hands on the counter, leaning forward, "Which firearm were you looking at today?"

She blinked and shook her head, snapping back into the present. "Ah! Uhm..." She looked over the wall one more time.
omg is that a pink handgun???
"H-How much is the pink one?"
The man chuckled, making her blush a little. "Ah, you would look at that one!" He plucked it off the wall and handed it to her. "This ones coming in at $800, but I can give you a first time discount."
God, $800??? That's a lot of money.
"...How much?"
"You'll owe $600. Same as the plain version."
She smiled and nodded. "That would do, thank you so much!" She set the gun back on the counter, the man giving her a warm smile before putting it back on the wall.
"Don't mention it, angel."

(Y/n) could have sworn she heard a low cough near her. She turned to find nothing. If it weren't for the man at the counter also being confused by the noise, she would have thought she was going crazy. The man shrugged and turned his attention back to her. "Cash or card, maam?"
She kept staring where she heard the sound, something wasn't right. "...Maam?"
"Ah! I'm sorry, uh.. Card."
While he was ringing her up, she could hear the sound of familiar sounding boots hitting the ground. The trudging sounded heavy, foreboding.
The man at the counter handed her card back and bagged her new gun in a lock box. He leaned over.

"Do you need me to walk you to your car?" He asked, genuine concern on his face. She stared at the exit then looked at him with a smile. "I'll be fine, what's your name?"
"John, but you can call me Johnny if you'd like."

She heard the sound of rope hitting the glass counter next to her.

"How interesting, my brother's name is John." She heard that heavy accent that made her freeze in her place. She stared up at Freddrick, knowing damn well it was him. He waved politely at her. He wasn't wearing his usual mask, but a surgical mask with a hat.

She kept staring as he got rung up, "... Cute gun." He said before taking his bag, he nodded to them both and left without another word.
"... Yeah, I'm walking you to your car."
"Thank you."

John walked her out of the store, she noticed him scanning the lot carefully. (Y/n) felt so safe, it was so nice. She stopped at her car and smiled. "I got it from here!"
"Did you check the back seat?" John asked.
She blinked and looked in the back. "No, but now I have! Why should I?"
"Someone could be in your back seat, it's good to check before getting in." He smiled and nodded at her. "You stay safe, miss! Don't let anyone bother you!"

She smiled, what a kind man. She gave him a polite wave before faltering, something wasn't right.

He was still there.
Freddrick was posted right next to the door, a hazy, angry gaze that had a blast radius of 25 miles that anyone with a sense of empathy could feel.
She walked to John and grabbed his arm. "Don't go back in yet."

"He's right there."
He looked at his shop and nodded, impressed. John reached into his pocket and called the police. "Thank you maam, looks like we both did each other a favor."
(Y/n) waited with John until the sirens approached, but just as expected Freddrick had fled a minute or so before that. She frowned and shivered. She knew she was going to hear about that later.

She drove to her work, a little tired from having to get up so early to get all that paperwork out of the way. It was worth it, it had to have been. She needed something against him, and honestly, the pink gun was a little empowering to her. She felt like she had a whole militia on her side.
Of course, due to her carry and conceal permit, she couldn't flaunt it around at work. She also kept it in her locker, just for good measure. In the last hour of her shift, she got a ping on her pager.

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