Chapter 4: What Are You Doing Here?

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Freddrick kept parking his car in the back, noticing how frequently (Y/n) was the one to come out alone. It made him a bit sad to see her alone, but at least he got to say hi every once and a while.

One day he noticed something about her, she seemed a bit more rushed to do her job. What was she such a hurry for? He eventually got tired of pondering. So he got out and pulled on his normal disguise, this time with a denim jacket instead of his usual blazer.

He knew he couldn't just.. get into the ER by waltzing in, he had to think of a reason.

Or he could just do what he does best and lock pick the back door.
Which is what he did.

After nabbing the cleanest scrubs he could find that semi-fit him, he began looking around the wing. "She has to be here somewhere-" He muttered before hearing a familiar chuckle.

It was her. He could tell just by her voice alone. He peaked his head around the corner, staring her down as she chatted with some conventionally attractive man. He didn't know who this guy was, but he didn't like unfamiliar faces staking out his territ-friend. His friend. Yeah.
For now.

He admittedly stared a bit too long, some other nurses in the break room waved him in. "Are you one of the new RN's? A student?" One of them asked. His eyes widened as he pointed at himself. "Yes, you, come in here!"

He tried his best to hunch over so his height was less noticeable, luckily no one said anything. "So, what's your name?" One of the strangers asked.

"Uh.." He coughed, trying to prepare himself for the shittiest American accent he could muster. "Jake?"
"Oh god another Jake. Whats your last name?"
He paused, sweating a little. God this was awkward. ".. Williamson? Jake.. Williamson. Yeh..." He smiled a bit.

"You don't have to be nervous Jake W." The random said, he didn't even care to memorize their face, he just kept staring at (Y/n). Still adorable in her scrubs, mask pulled down while snacking on a protein bar.
"Well, Jake W. I'm Jake B. You can call me Jacob, if thats not your nickname too." The plain handsome man said, outstretching his hand to him. He stared at his hand before begrudgingly shaking his hand back.

(Y/n) looked at him, face blushing immediately. "Hi Jake W. I'm (Y/n). I haven't seen you around here! Want me to show you around?" She asked, leaning on the table. Her tone of voice changed very quickly.
He blinked a little. "Uh.. I. Sure? Yeah It's my first day here." He chuckled. "(Y/n). I can show him around if thats easier, you are handling a lot more patients than me." Jacob said. (Y/n) sighed and nodded. "Good point, go ahead!" She checked her watch and sighed. "Ah.. Duty calls." She stood up and smiled, tossing her wrapper in the trash. "See yall around!" She waved, pulling up her mask, not before shooting Freddrick a quick smile. "See you, Jake." She turned and walked out of the door, down the hall.

Freddricks face was bright red under the mask, half from anxiety half from "oh my god she's so fucking cute and hot was she just flirting with me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" feelings. "Are you on a lunch break?" Jacob asked.
"No, I just clocked in!" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't know where to go, so I figured I'd find a room with people who aren't busy."
He nodded. "Thats smart, wish I did that my first day haha.." He stood up, Freddrick joining him. Jacobs eyes widened when he saw Freddricks whole height. "Holy shit- I'm sorry! I didn't say anything." He smiled before waving him along.

They walked side by side down the halls, Jacob stopping every once in a while to show him the various nurses stations and information desks. "So... That (Y/n) girl.. huh?" He said with a slight breathiness.
Freddricks attention was finally caught. "Ah. Yeah. Her." He said.
"She sure is something right? Total cutie." He purred a bit. "Her ass looks great in those scrubs right?"
He never really thought to check. He usually just looked at her face and upper body.
"Yeah. Her everything looks great." He smiled.
"Yeah, she's got a nice body in general. I'm surprised she isn't married yet." Jacob said. Freddrici really didn't like being around this Jacob. He hated how he talked about (Y/n). Only he gets to objectify her. No one else. Why is he the exception though? They ended up pausing right in front of the security office. "Oh yeah! This is the security office for this wing! No one's really in here though." He shrugged.

Eyes on You(Forenzik x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora