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Violet Roberts, 21, hit the UK by storm with her new hit album, I Can't Let Go

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Violet Roberts, 21, hit the UK by storm with her new hit album, I Can't Let Go. She released 'Moves' as her single a month ago, and hell, were we hooked! So here's a little thing about our current favourite French artist so you're all clued in...

Originally born in Ariege, France, Roberts moved to the UK when she was only eighteen years old in hopes of furthering her dream of becoming a musician. 

"I just wanted to say, your album is a perfect mixture of the French romance and British pop. Where did you learn to speak English so well?" 

"Thank you, and well... j'aime mon père (I love my dad), he was the one who taught me taught me about all these English-speaking artists of my childhood- Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, David Bowie, Elvis Presley- all that type. He spent hours playing me the guitar until I was old enough to learn myself."

"Was your dad English?"

"Oh God no. He was from France, born and raised. He just worked in the Americas a lot, so he had to be fluent in English."

"Were you nervous moving to England? With the language change, and obviously it must be quite different. The people you meet and whatnot."

"I was a little bit, but I've always loved London. I used to read about all these brilliant musicians from England, and I just felt inspired. I'm definitely still not used to the crowds... then again, I never did shows this big back in France- I barely got shows inside of a bar! Playing to thousands of people is unreal. I still get shocked knowing all these people are here for me."

"Adorable, really. You're adorable. Now, a question I've got to ask, what's your favourite song off of the new album?"

"Ah... difficult question. My Mind is something I really put all my heart into when recording. It has simple lyrics, but they were really heartfelt to me, and I hope people can realise that when listening."

"Beautiful. Have you met any people in the industry? I know there's been some pictures of you and Blur's Damon Albarn, are you two just friends?"

"Just friends, of course. Damon helped me get to where I am, he's one of the many people I have to thank. He was the one who helped me get recognition from a label. I owe him everything."

"And final question, what are your plans from here? Is there a tour you're trying to tease?"

Roberts laughed "If there was a tour it would be a secret, don't you think? I really don't know where to go from here. I have a few more shows in the area and then we're getting onto the promotional things."

And that's just it. We're so pleased to welcome Violet Roberts into the music industry that is of Britain. We're sure you're gonna love her witty personality and beautiful new album as much as us! 

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