chapter 2

369 16 7

*Not proofread*

After collecting their schedule from the principal office, the four boys made their way to their respective classrooms

Jisung and hyunjin knocked at the door as a woman in his late 30's opened the door and mentioned them to come in

*So students, we're having two new students joining us , please introduce yourself* the teacher said gesturing them

*Han Jisung* jisung said in monotone without any expression at all

*Hi I'm hyunjin nice to meet you* hyunjin said while waving making the class roar in gossip

*Um...ok you both can sit behind Minho and jeongin * teacher said gesturing towards the two boys sitting in very far cornor in the end

Jisung and hyunjin both make their ways towards the very end of the classroom when han saw the boy from this morning, as he make his way towards the boys he can't help but stare at the shorter one sitting with his head on others shoulder.

Jisung and hyunjin sat behind the two who don't even bat an eye on them

As the teacher started teaching han saw the shorter boy leaning his head on the others shoulder while the fox like boy holding him so he wouldn't fall

*You know Minho you should listen to her for once don't you* jeongin said to Minho who nuzzled on his shoulder

*Nah she's boring plus I prefer learning this subject from seungmin hyung * Minho replied getting comfortable on the others shoulder

Han doesn't want to admit but when he saw the boy who supposed to be Minho leaning his head on jeongin's shoulder he couldn't help but feel something inside him , he doesn't like the way the shorter getting close to the other male

Why? What is happening to him? He doesn't know himself, why he want to know Minho so much? , why whenever he looked at him he feel something inside? Why? Just why? , there's a lot of questions going inside his head , and he doesn't know how to find a solution for them

*Jisung* hyunjin nudged han making him come out of his trance and he hummed *hey dude you ok , you're staring at this Minho guy for quite a long time now * hyunjin asked as he made a confuse face towards his friend

*Yeah I'm fine and it's nothing* jisung said focusing back to the teacher who started to babble something that is not interesting at all

Silence filled the classroom as the teacher started to teach, some students were hearing her while some were just minding their own business , suddenly the door burst open and a boy walked inside the classroom, making everyones eyes fell on him

*Mr. Kang you're late * the teacher said to the boy who just stands there, *I'm sorry miss I'll try to come to class early for now* he said roaming his eyes around the classroom when finally his eyes caught the side of two boys sitting

He smirked at them as jisung saw how Minho clenched hard into jeongin's sweater and how jeongin brought the boy closer in his arms and glared at the other one

*I hope you stand your words andrick* the teacher said motioning the boy to take his seat

While the andrick guy made  his way towards his seat , his eyes stayed at Minho , while the said boy squirmed in his seat , jeongin pulled the younger seat close to him as he whispered some sweet and encouraging words to the younger

Now han's curiosity gets the best of him , he wants to know who's this boy , and what happened to Minho suddenly, why is he looking so scared of him


Finally the class is over as every student makes their way towards the cafeteria, it's finally lunch time and everyone is hungry after the three classes they attended in row , jisung saw jeongin wake Minho up and also arranged his stuff while shoving them into his bag , and they stand up and leave from there

*Are you sure you're ok , or are you already interested in Minho huh!? * Hyunjin teased his friend who just gave him "bitch what the fuck look" while he just laughed at his friend

*Let's go chan and changbin hyung are waiting for us * han said looking at his phone where he just received a message from his older friend saying they both are in the cafeteria already

Han and hyunjin walked side by side making everyone in the corridor stare at them , some people whispering, while some trying to catch their attention

As they made their way inside the cafeteria, hyunjin looked for the table where his two friends were sitting, after looking for some time he finally saw them , as they both stood on the line getting their food and walking towards their friends

*Wow it took you guys long enough huh* changbin said which makes the elder in four laugh

Han and hyunjin just shrugged their shoulders and sat down , they immediately started to talk about their first three periods, jisung got bored listening to his friends as he roamed his eyes around the cafeteria to get a glimpse of the shorter who's making him feel things .

He finally found him sitting with jeongin and the other two , whom they met this morning, he saw him smiling while the freckled boy fed him , he frowned his eyebrows "he's his boyfriend or something* he thought while looking ( nope) staring at the shorter on the table few steps ahead of him


Minho and jeongin made their way to the cafeteria getting the food and walking towards their usual table where  their other two friends were already sitting while talking to each other

Minho happily walked towards them jeongin following close as he finally reached the table , felix hugged him and take the food from his hand and also pulling the chair for his little brother to sit

Minho sat down as the four started to talk about their classes and what they get from the teacher in homework

*So Minho did you listen to your history teacher today or not* seungmin asked the boy feeding one of his sandwich to the boy , who immediately took a bite

*Nah he just slept on my shoulder the whole class * jeongin chuckled as Minho glared at him

*I prefer you teaching me history rather than that old woman who just talk and never describe something* Minho said accepting another bite from seungmin who laughed at the younger behaviour

*Oh of course Sweetie we will learn that chapter after school yeah* seungmin said and Minho nodded his head happily chewing the food felix feeding him

Suddenly he feels eyes in him, like someone is staring at him , he looked around and saw the boy from morning staring at him with blank face , he tittled his head cutely making eye contact with the squirrel boy , who blink his eyes and look away

Minho just shrugged his shoulders returning to the conversation his older friends having



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Cutie beauty 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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