"Eh?" I asked disinterestedly.

"Yeah, seems your fan club continues to grow internationally" he quipped, "isn't that right Jia" he teased, Jia rolled her eyes but her cheeks flushed pink. "I've seen countless pale-faced white girls throw themselves at you at the bar but never a black girl, she seemed persistent" he said walking over to my station and leaned against the counter as I began dicing the green peppers. "I didn't know you were into cross breeding?" I sighed putting down the knife, Jia froze beside me.

"I swear Dae Hyun, with all the filth that comes out of your mouth on a daily basis I'm surprised you have the gall to stand this close to someone" I made a shooing motion with my hand, "go away" I ordered. He squinted at me annoyed before pushing off the metal table, it scrapped loudly against the floor. I watched as a few vegetables rolled off the table and onto the floor. "Very mature" I muttered as I bent to pick them up, Jia assisted.

Just then the doors swung open and Mr. Juk stalked in belly first, he was a short man with and even shorter temper, as usual he was dressed in his signature all black tux and dress shoe. His years of misdeeds and crime had taken aback his hair line and patience. He hovered over us as we collected the fallen goods.

"Listen well boy" he warned, "Don't mistake my kindness I've shown you the past few weeks for weakness. You see I know your kind very well, you're just a kid who doesn't know his place. I've excused your tardiness, your absences and your attitude, I've executed men for less. I am not as lenient as to let you get away with throwing away my money" He tucked his hands into his pockets, I stood up and Jia took the fallen goods to be washed or replaced. I looked Dae Hyun in the eyes as I mumbled a tight lipped apology, he smiled tauntingly. "This will be deducted from your salary, I hope you've learned your lesson" He stated, his finger pointed at my face. "Do you know how many students are looking for a part time job on their summer break? It's a good opportunity for you all to learn the work environment and how things are run" he says gesturing to all of us but what he actually means is that it's cheaper to hire high schoolers with no actual experience than pay actual professional chefs all year round.

" If your aunt hadn't requested that I hire you I wouldn't have given a good job to the likes of you a second glance" My jaw clenched as did my fist. "I don't care about your sob story or your brain dead mother when it comes to my rest-" my left fist connected with his lower jaw, he stumbled backwards dazed before he could steady himself my right fist pounded into his nose. I felt someone yank me back I turned and found Dae Hyun and Bong Du- the second chef- holding me back, their grip loosened and Dae Hyun stepped back hands up.

"Jae, you should get out of here" Jia whispered as she pushed me out of there through the kitchen doors. "Mr. Juk has goons around here everywhere," she sighed pushing my leather jacket into my hands. I turned and ran out the door straight to my bike, starting it with one turn of the key. Looking up through the pouring rain I found three of Mr. Juk's men exiting the door, they were usually seen hanging around the bar getting wasted or passing time. They spotted me and began in my direction, I whipped the bike around and headed out onto the main street.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! I chided myself, Mrs Kim did her best to get me that job. That was how my mother's medical bills were being handled, how am I going to pay for her life support now? I came to a stop at a red light and wiped the soaked hair sticking to my forehead out of my eyes. How was I going to keep her alive? But what he said, that bastard to make those remarks about my mother! Over some frozen vegetables! That bastard he had no right! But how was I going to pay for her bills? How-

A sharp pain shot through my head, my body slithered off the bike in shock. My vision was blurred as I looked up seeing two men hovering over me, one holding a steel pipe. My hand instantly went to my head assessing the damage, I could feel the warm blood running down my neck as I struggled to stand to my feet. They chuckled amongst each other, I staggered.

One of the men stepped towards me grabbing me by the scruff of my shirt with his left hand as he drew his right fist back before it landed on my eye, I stumbled back almost falling down again. The pounding in my head grew heavier, I hissed. He threw another punch my way but this time I caught his fist pulling him in before thrusting my knee into his stomach and then his face. We both collapsed to the ground, he held his bleeding nose as expletives spewed from his mouth. I rolled to my knees, struggling to get my feet under me.

The feeling of metal being battered against my bone smacked me back to the ground gasping for air. I rolled over onto my back seeing the man with the steel pipe standing over me. Taking a deep breath I steadied myself and smiled half heartedly at him he raised the pipe above his head fingers grasping tightly to the bar, feet apart. I lifted my right foot up and kicked him in the groin with all the strength I could muster, the steel pipe clattered to the ground noisily beside my head.

My body was heavy and weakened, slowly I got to my feet. The two men laid there groaning in pain, I looked up towards my bike finding a man standing there leaning on a black SUV. I sighed, I had little energy left, my head was fuzzy and I could barely stand still, I could feel my eyes drooping with exhaustion.

The man stalked forward passing me by as he headed for an ally behind us, I understood quite well - the streets were starting to get lively the last thing they wanted was the police showing up. I slowly followed. The pain across my back sent jolts of electricity down my spine with every step. The two other men began to rise to their feet, ushering me towards the ally.

I racked my brain for an escape route, for an exit or a sign. I couldn't get out of this alone, I needed help. I looked around at the handful of people who had stopped to watch the commotion, none of them would meet eyes with me. None but a pair of golden brown eyes staring at me in concern or was it fear, the black Aston Martin practically flew past us blending seamlessly into the night and the gone in a blink.

At that moment images of a girl in a yellow sweater flashed through my mind, a bottle of water and a cold compress, the feeling of warm soft hands combing through my hair and the sound of a soft hum soothing to my ears. My eyes widened in recognition. The foreigner from the hospital.

I'd wanted to find her, speak to her and thank her properly but I also wanted to hide away, she has seen me in my worst state imaginable, comforted me even. Part of me hoped that I'd never see her again.

The man with the bleeding nose nudged me forward, I stumbled into the ally way, after tonight I really might not ever see her again or anyone for that matter. Would that be so bad? I huffed out a puff of air ignoring the pain it caused, I clenched my fists together and punch myself in the jaw. How dare I.

How dare I take the easy way out! When there were people like my mother fighting, clinging to the hope of living even when the chances were basically null!
I can't die, at least not now. Not until she's better not until I can see her walking and talking and smiling again. Not until then. Until then I'll give them everything I've got.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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